The World Of Supervisory Control

Posted by Archer Finch
Jun 29, 2017

If you have been into computers, you would know for a fact that we have come a long way since the time computers were first built. Computers run almost everything right now, from the mobile phones that we carry to the planes that fly us. Everything works through a chain of commands that are fed to it through a computer. The world of computers is divided into two prominent halves, them being hardware and software. While hardware is the physical component of the machine, software happens to be what runs it. When the question moves to software, there are a lot of them, which execute a number of functions. One of them happens to be software that works towards Supervisory control and data acquisition. Known as SCADA, this is a popular software stream. WEB SCADA has become a popular choice to go to when it comes to the world of software. The world of software SCADA has started gaining a lot of prominence of late.

Let us explain it in detail

·         Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a control system architecture that uses computers, networked data communications and graphical user interfaces for high-level process supervisory management, but uses other peripheral devices such as programmable logic controllers and discrete PID controllers to interface to the process plant or machinery. The operator interfaces which enable monitoring and the issuing of process commands, such as controller set point changes, are handled through the SCADA supervisory computer system. However, the real-time control logic or controller calculations are performed by networked modules which connect to the field sensors and actuators. This is how WEB SCADA works.

·         The SCADA concept was developed as a universal means of remote access to a variety of local control modules, which could be from different manufacturers allowing access through standard automation protocols. In practice, software SCADA has grown to become very similar to distributed control systems function, but using multiple means of interfacing with the plant. They can control large-scale processes that can include multiple sites, and work over large distances. It is one of the most commonly-used types of industrial control systems; however, there are concerns about SCADA systems being vulnerable to cyberwarfare/cyberterrorism attacks. That said they are still extremely popular among all software experts. This is primarily due to its diversity with which it is capable of executing the most complicated tasks. There are a lot of companies in the world which employ these systems. They not only make the infrastructure more robust, but also a lot of value to the supply chain. Once this has been done, SCADA also finds multiple usages in a number of fields. You can check out its multiple usages case scenarios by comparing the information given above. It is software like this that is helping companies grow and progress in a rapid manner. It helps to maintain all this information if you intend to implement SCADA in your own work systems. It can prove to be quite beneficial for your company.

Hey myself Archer Finch. Even though I took extra care about my systems, but still it was more prone to hacking. With the introduction of the Software SCADA, my system is now very much safe from all sorts of threats, as most of the Web SCADA are connected to web based portals or products.

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