The Ultimate Guide to Hiring an Android Developer to Help You Get Going

Posted by Joe Richard
Apr 4, 2018
Apps are an integral part of the mobile ecosystem, which have completely altered our lives and the way we conduct business today. Among the operating systems, Android enjoys the largest foothold in the market. Android had a market share of 85.1% in 2017, according to figures reported by the International Data Corporation (IDC). The report goes on to project an increase in shipments of new devices with the Android operating system, from the 1.2 billion units recorded in 2017 to 1.44 billion in 2022.

No wonder then that businesses across the globe wish to hire Android developers. While the reasons are many, one must consider the ROI of app development.

The ROI of Android Apps

When one thinks of ROI (returns on investment), there are several factors to consider. Some hire Android programmers to offer apps for free download on the Google Play Store. Such apps are monetized via in-app purchases and/or advertisements running alongside content. Others have mobile apps developed to offer for a nominal onetime payment. Many of these options for more subtle advertising which adds to their revenues. Some apps are subscription based and generate a monthly revenue for the owners.

Larger businesses hire Android app developer teams to create solutions that meet business goals. There are certain measurable benefits, like an increase in sales, faster processes, lower costs, higher customer engagement and better employee retention. Complementing these are certain unmeasurable benefits, like stronger brand identity and greater flexibility at work.

Thus, to calculate the ROI of developing a mobile app, one needs to consider the complete range of benefits. On the cost front too, it’s critical to hire the right team of Android developers. Choosing a relatively inexperienced team may involve a lower initial payment but could cost a business dearly in the longer run. Therefore, value for money is a more prudent parameter to adopt when making the decision.

How to Hire an Android Developer Team that Adds Value
Skills of the Developers on the Team: You need a team of expert developers, with a deep understanding of the Android platform. They would probably be aware of the best open source libraries. Also, find out whether they have any experience working on the AOSP (Android Open Source Project). 

Moreover, enquire about their Java expertise, which is intrinsic to Android app development. The quality of the graphic user interface, meaning how smoothly the buttons, lists or image views function, depends on their Java expertise. 

Also, remember that Android being open source poses some challenges. Firstly, there are many versions of this operating system coexisting. This means the target audience of your app would be using different versions of Android. So, when you hire Android developers, enquire whether their solution would be able to handle the unique APIs and capabilities of different versions of the OS. Furthermore, Android devices would have different screen sizes, resolutions and pixel densities. And, the development team should be able to handle this too.
Size of the Company: A larger company would probably have more experienced developers, with knowledge of the Android open source ecosystem. But, remember that creating an Android app requires you to think beyond how to hire Android app programmers. A larger company would have a wider talent pool, including graphic designers, UX (user experience) and UI (user-interface) experts, quality assurance specialists, experts with cross-platform knowledge and project managers to track progress. 

A bigger company would have the resources and processes in place to ensure that the app is developed on time and within budget, while also delivering on all predetermined features and meeting specifications.

Focus on the Target Audience: When you hire Android app developers, ask the right questions to determine what they focus on when creating a new app. The emphasis of the development team should not be on delivering features or making you happy. The focus should be on what meets your business goals better as well as on the needs of your targeted audience and the ultimate user experience.
Other Advantages: Don’t just focus on how to hire Android programmers. Enquire about what else the company brings to the table. For instance, HokuApps offers an array of sophisticated tools that facilitate faster development and thorough testing of high-end mobile apps.
Portfolio of Offerings: Check out the company’s website to determine the range of services and solutions being offered. If the site describes strong solutions across functions and industries, you know you’re dealing with an expert team that can guide you in your mobile strategy.
What the Company Does Apart from Mobile App Development: You need to hire Android developers who are passionate about their work. When checking the company’s website, look for the resources they offer to share their knowledge. This could be in the form of blog posts, webinars, guides, eBooks, and videos.
When you hire android developers, the company you select should work with you as a business partner, giving you critical inputs to hone the solution. 
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