The step-by-step guide to writing great content
Still with the idea of sharing our best practices with you, today we are working on… (suspense)… Content writing!
When you want to get started in content writing, the hardest part is not to skip the steps. Writing texts, whatever they are, is a time-consuming activity, and it is not always as easy as it seems. But don't panic, in this article, you will find something to write great content!
Like any creative process, writing content goes through different stages, as follows:
Search for ideas
Choosing a theme
Choose a topic
Finding information
Note taking
Content structure
Some of these steps may seem obvious to you, others less so. But they are all essential, and will allow you to write relevant content.
Strategic thinking
First and foremost, the first and most important step in writing great content is finding the idea that will interest your audience. To do this, think about the objectives of your text. To whom it is addressed? Who do you want it to be read by? What type of subject will interest this target? Take the time to answer these questions properly.
The day before
That's it, you know who you're talking to! Now, it's time to think about what to tell them ...
However, it is important to ensure that the content you want to create has not already been overused, in particular by your competitors.
Indeed, more and more companies are realizing the usefulness of content writing, and are implementing it. We must, therefore, be careful to stand out from others and in particular from close competitors.
Choice of theme
Your watch is carried out in-depth, you now know what are the themes addressed by your competitors, which ones work, or on the contrary, which have less interest. Do not hesitate to make a list of recurring themes, but also of those that are less covered and that you could deal with.
Choice of subject
When you've figured out the different topics, it's time to move on to choosing a topic for your first content. To do this, start from the research you carried out during your day before, but also from the questions that your customers, and Internet users in general, ask themselves.
Information research
After having determined which theme and which subject will be at the heart of your first text, the time has come to look for the information that will constitute it. The internet is a great help for this. It will allow you to find whatever you are looking for. However, be careful to use reliable sources, so as not to give false information.
Taking notes
Note-taking is the time when you are going to determine exactly what to say to your readers. Just like with topics, there may be times when a phrase or idea comes to mind when you are not writing your content. For this, it is useful to always have a support on hand so that you can take notes at any time. It can be on a computer, a phone, a tablet, or just a notebook!
Content structure
When all the necessary information has been obtained, you need to classify it, in the order in which you want to deal with it in your content writing. Next, think about how long your item should be. This will help you determine the number of paragraphs.
A little tip: the more words an article contains, the more likely it is to be well referenced. It's a bit of a crude shortcut, but it is nonetheless true. However, good SEO is still subject to the quality of the text. Regarding the length of the latter, in content writing, we tend to think that a “simple” article, dealing with a fairly common subject, will be at least 500 words. A feature article, dealing with a more complex subject, by exploring it in depth, will rather be around 1500 words