The Most Important Ingredients in a Manhood Health Crème

Posted by John Dugan
Feb 6, 2018

When it comes to keeping member skin healthy, there are few things that matter more than choosing the right manhood health crème. As part of a good daily member care regimen, the proper crème does much more than simply make skin smooth and supple – though it certainly does that with aplomb! A manhood crème should include vital ingredients that not only improve the overall look of a man’s package but also give him the boost he needs in other areas, such as odor control and blood flow. 

Here’s more about the top ingredients a man should look for in a manhood health crème:

1) Shea butter. As a base for many creams and lotions, Shea butter is proven as an excellent emollient that locks in hydration and keeps skin as supple as possible. There’s a reason so many beauty products for women contain Shea butter – because it works! It can work the same wonders on delicate member skin as well.

2) Vitamin A. Also known as retinol, this is another ingredient found in many beauty products for women (and grooming products for men). It is known as a rejuvenator that helps alleviate wrinkles and age spots, as well as promote healing of minor irritations. But it is also a tough odor-fighter, attacking the bacteria that most commonly causes member odor.

3) Vitamin B5. Part of the essential B vitamin family, this particular version of the B vitamin is great for maintaining the proper tone and elasticity of skin, as well as fighting infections. This bodes very well for those men who might have a minor irritation or raw spots after a night of particularly vigorous activity.

4) Vitamin C. Obviously this is great for fighting against colds, but what does it to do promote a healthy organ? A lot, it turns out. An important ingredient in collagen, vitamin C can help with the elasticity required for tumescence. It’s also an integral part of proper blood flow, which is vital for getting things up when it’s time for action.

5) Vitamin D3. Part of the essential vitamin D family, this one supports healthy cellular function throughout the body. It helps with the formation and repair of skin cells, which is why it’s often found in healing products. It’s also a great barrier against both fungal and bacterial infections.

6) Vitamin E. Known as a natural hydrator and found in numerous grooming products, vitamin E is a must. Some people even put it directly on their skin, undiluted by any other products, as a way to promote healing and make the skin look younger. In a good manhood crème, vitamin E locks in the natural moisture of the skin.

7) L-carnitine. This amino acid with the funny name is essential for proper function of nerve cells. This is vitally important in a manhood health crème, as the nerve endings of a healthy male organ are what give a man so much pleasure from sensual activity. This ingredient also protects against infection.

8) L-arginine. Another strange name, this amino acid is what a man needs to ensure the best blood flow possible when it really counts. L-arginine works by creating the natural chemicals required to allow blood vessels to relax and open up. That means more blood can flow through the member. Not only does this enhance tumescence, it also helps feed the tiny vessels just under the skin, which in turn feed the nerve endings and delicate skin cells.

9) Alphia lipoic acid. This powerful antioxidant fights against free radicals – that’s a fancy way of saying that it battles against the signs of aging as well as other problems, such as cancerous cells. A healthy dose of this every day can go a long way toward keeping a member looking and feeling young and healthy. 

Ready to reach for a great manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin)? Look for one that contains these ingredients. A man can’t go wrong with daily application, and having a healthy male organ is definitely worth the time.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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