The Most Commonly-Used Hearing Aid Styles

Posted by Chris G.
Oct 25, 2019

You must be looking for hearing aids if the results of your recent hearing test in Peterborough were not favorable. Hearing aids are the general option for treatment if you are suffering from hearing difficulties or hearing loss. No matter what your age, hearing aids can help you listen clearly again. Hearing aids can help you converse with people, socialize easily and ultimately, improve the quality of life.

When you are looking for hearing aids in Peterborough, you need to be aware of the different styles of aids available. You will also need to consult with your audiologist for the hearing aid fitting and consult on how frequently you will need to get an ear wax removal. To help you give a brief idea, here are the three most common styles of hearing aids:

1.      BTE or Behind the Ear

These are the most popular hearing aids in the market. As the name suggest, BTE hearing aids sit behind the ear. The rest of the hearing device is small and sits inside the inner canal, transmitting the sound through the canal. A thin plastic pipe or tube connects the two pieces together. While these used to be noticeable and heavy in the past, the modern hearing aids are light and discreet. Since these are the largest variant, they can house some advanced technology. Noise reduction, infrared and Bluetooth and various other options are available for these aids. These hearing aids are made for life and suit hearing loss of all level – mild to severe.

2.      ITE or In the Ear

Being lighter and subtler than BTE hearing aids, ITE hearing aids in Peterborough are also a popular choice. These are more beneficial for people having an active lifestyle. So, if you are someone who loves working out or plays a sport regularly, ITE hearing aids will be the perfect choice for you. The aids are suitable for mild levels of hearing loss to moderate level and are often equipped with various advanced features. These are also tough and durable aids like BTE.

3.      ITC or In the Canal

The most discreet form of hearing aids, ITC aids are completely hidden, sitting inside the canal. Worn in the canal, these offer an entirely natural hearing experience due to their location. The small-size aids are suitable for people with mild or moderate hearing loss. The use of ITC aids demands regular ear wax removal as the wax can accumulate around the aid.

It is always suggested that you should consult with a professional in a hearing aid clinic about the best hearing aid for you. A professional hearing test is necessary to determine the severity of your hearing loss and finding the best hearing aid based on these levels and your lifestyle. Choosing reliable and renowned device manufacturers like Starkey hearing aids will ensure that you get a quality device that functions properly and lasts for a long time.
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