The Importance Of Procuring a Data Security Addendum Service

Posted by Kristen White
Dec 21, 2020

A data processing agreement, or data processing addendum, is a contract between data processors and data controllers, or between data processors and sub-processors. It forms a major part of the terms of service and privacy policy agreement or any other electronic agreement between a company and its customers for purchases or online service delivery and defines the parties’ agreement with how personal data will be used and stored.

By signing the Data Security Addendum Service page, customers enter into a DPA on their behalf and to the extent needed under data protection laws and regulations.

Important for the Data Processor or Controller to Address:

Whether you play the role of a data controller or processor, it is important to understand the terms of the data processing agreement because:

· You need to ensure that all parties involved are handling personal data properly and that processors are required to meet specific requirements defined by a Data Security Compliance Program before they are allowed to handle sensitive data.

· Under GDPR, any data controller is considered to be the “owner” of all personal data because the s/he collects data and determines how and why it needs to be processed, and how it will be stored.

· Data controllers typically employ data processors to assist them with multiple tasks.

· A processing agreement is drawn up to ensure that a data processor knows how to handle a controller’s data properly.

· GDPR requires that data controllers have proper processing agreements in place before they are allowed to hire data processors.

It is important to check the data security addendum service of a company you plan to work with before entering into a contract so you know what you are getting involved in and what to expect.

Do You Really Need an Agreement?

If you are planning to share personal information with a data processor you must have an agreement in place with them. Some large processors have contracts that they use for all their clients. These contracts will suffice as long as you ensure that the contract protects you and is not just written for the benefit of the data processor.

The Groundwork for Minimal Needs:

Experts lay the groundwork for minimal requirements that must be included in every data processing agreement. These needs are geared mainly towards protecting data by defining how it will be handled by both the data processor and the controller. Apart from protecting the data controller from any legal ramifications, they provide for a better understanding for both parties.

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