The Grass Is Greener on Your Side with Lawn Care

Posted by Kevin Smith
Aug 23, 2018

Having a well maintained lawn will not only make your house look more appealing, but will improve your daily activities so you can enjoy spending time outside.

A Healthy Lawn

The first place to start is to have a healthy lawn. Hiring a professional company that specializes in lawn care in Atlanta, GA, can help you assess if any diseases are present in your lawn or trees and other plants.

When you cut the grass, only cut the top 1/3 of the grass so that the blades are about 2.5” tall. You should mow during cool parts of the day when the grass is dry. If your city allows watering, aim for early mornings (8-9 am) or late nights (10 pm-midnight) to allow for optimal absorption. Late fall to early spring is usually a dormant season for grass growth so take a break from watering. Leave grass clippings on the lawn for the nutrients to be reabsorbed into the earth. When choosing a fertilizer, look for an organic one with a high Nitrogen content. You can also aerate your lawn in the fall to help improve drainage.

Other Features

A new mailbox, and clear, easy to read house numbers are a small change that will have a big impact. Ask yourself if your house is inviting and welcoming.

Adding a fresh coat of paint to the front door, and power washing the decks can help make a good impression and spruce up the overall appearance. Keep plants and trees trimmed so guests can easily walk the path to the door. An old or shabby looking garage door can drag down the whole house, so give it a wash, paint, or replace it. Adding other features like fountains, ponds, and lawn decorations can add some style, but keep them to a minimum, choosing only a few things to highlight. Overdoing it with lawn ornaments and decorations will have the opposite effect.

An Attractive Lawn

One way to evaluate your lawn is to walk past your house and pretend you are a passerby. What do you notice first? What stands out in a good way? What stands out in a bad way? You can also ask a friend to do a walk-by, or you could take pictures to evaluate what changes you would like to make.

If you are ready to start improving your lawn you can ask for advice from a company that provides lawn care in Atlanta, GA, if you are unsure where to start.


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