The Difference Between Guard Dogs And Security Dogs

Posted by Kindery Mills
Nov 1, 2019

Dogs have been around the human race from pre-historic times and have become the most favored pet and companion for their owners and handlers. Owing to their loyalty and strength, some breeds of dogs can be trained to guard, protect, or if needed, place an attack on an intruder. The use of dogs has been done in the forces of law and order for some time now, and they are even used to detect narcotic substances and explosives. Nowadays, these dogs can be used to protect the household and the members of the family; although, there are subtle differences in their types and functions.

The utility of protection dogs

Security dogs are broadly differentiated into two main types according to their training and the functions they serve. Some can argue that there are digital alternatives to these animals, like security cameras, motion sensors, and alarms; but they all fail in one respect; the alarms can be sidestepped, but a well-trained security dog cannot be. To acquire the Best Security dogs for the protection of their assets, the most experienced company should be consulted in this regard.

The dissimilarities of different dogs

Although almost all the dogs that are taken in as a pet will have a basic sense of detecting danger and protecting their family, some of the breeds are genetically superior to other dogs in this regard. Additionally, there are some subtle differences between a guard dog and a security dog, even if the names sound to be similar. So, if you are trying to get the Best Security dogs in the business, then you must go to the place where they train them in real-life situations.

The training

A guard dog is trained to specifically guard property or an area designated by the handler. Their training is so deeply ingrained that they cannot turn it off, and are therefore used in the police, or other forces of the law of order. They are not sociable and cannot be used as pets. The dogs work at three levels, either they can sound an alarm at a suspected intruder, attack anyone who trespasses the property or kill if its handler commands it so.

Living with a family

In retrospect, a security dog is trained to live with a family and protect the family members. They are usually sociable and make a very loyal pet. For some breeds, the alpha role must be set before the dog is given to the family.

In conclusion

The canine family is biologically equipped with a superior sense of smell and can remember the odor of a person for their whole life; making them the best defense system in the natural world. Additionally, they often become like a part of the family of the person taking them in, creating a bond of trust that is not possible by a machine to generate. To get the best, loyal, and powerful security dogs in the business, it is better to contact the most experienced persons in training and handling and selecting from their collection.



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