The Best Marketing Firms in Phoenix are Adopting for the New Decade

Posted by Kristen White
Feb 15, 2021

The previous decade was extremely successful for the leading marketing firms in Phoenix, especially when it came to content marketing. The next decade presents new content challenges, as most of the population has evolved in the way they consume and appreciate the content on the internet. Here's a brief guide to the best content marketing strategies firms need to take into 2021 -

Data-Driven Content

Major digital platforms like Google, Twitter, and Facebook are becoming more and more precise when targeting specific audiences. In the past, manual bidding on ads was very effective. Now that these platforms have become extremely skillful at grasping what types of advertisements encourage the highest conversion rates (based on their images and copy), using data to create content is just as important as using data to target or segment audiences.

Leading marketing firms in Phoenix now can analyze the performances of their content and understand what type of creativity attracts the highest number of clicks. They identify the mistakes and inconsistencies and use this data to create new content. The goal is to improve content performance metrics regularly.  

New Content

Between 2010-2020, the internet was filled with unique and exciting content. Google is clear about its negative stance against websites that rehash or reuse old content. Original research and original content are both valued highly by the search engine. Generating new and unique content can be a hassle for smaller businesses. However, moving forward, creating new content will be the gold standard in content marketing.

Whether it is Google or any leading social media platform, the demand for new stories and new angles is at an all-time high. When businesses share exclusive data on their website, it is more likely to be shared on these platforms. That is why in the next decade, the demand will be high for authentic writers and content creators who can cover age-old topics and present them in new and unique ways.

Reinvesting in Old content

Instead of republishing content, website managers must update their old content. This is a strategy that helps business websites save a lot of money and effort. Instead of pumping out new content, updating old content that has ranked well in the past can make rankings increase on Google's SERPS. To do this, businesses can make simple tweaks such as changing the published date or adding some new facts. Refreshing existing content is inexpensive and is one of the easiest ways to increase organic rankings and attract new customers.

More Focus on Video

The last decade ended with an increased focus on video content, and this trend is set to continue. Video content forges intense bonds with consumers, making them more likely to purchase the products or services. The different types of long-format video content are set to dominate the internet for the next few years includes:

· Tutorials and educational videos

· Testimonials from past clients

· Behind-the-scenes footage explaining how products are made or how the company works

· Videos featuring special guests and industry experts

· Live content. Livestreaming on various websites is set to become much easier in the next decade. Live content takes little time or effort to produce; however, it is the best way to engage with target audiences who can interact with creators in real-time using live comments. 

Trends suggest that content marketing on digital platforms is set to become much more exciting and rewarding in the next decade! 

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