The Best IT/Software Testing and Compliance Company for Accessibility and Security

Posted by Alex U.
Nov 10, 2022

When you think about IT and software testing, the first thing that probably comes to mind is code coverage and other testing metrics. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Certain compliance issues need to be considered when it comes to testing, as well. That’s where the best IT/software testing and compliance company comes in. They can help you navigate these waters and ensure that your software remains compliant with all the current regulations. And if you’re looking for a company that can deliver quality services at a reasonable price, look no further. You’ve found him.

What is Accessibility and Security Testing?

Accessibility and security testing are two important aspects of IT that need to be considered when selecting an appropriate company. Testing companies should have the ability to test both accessibility and security, as well as have experience in both areas. Testing for accessibility can involve performing tests on software or websites to ensure that they are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Security testing can involve checking for vulnerabilities in software and website designs that could allow attackers access to confidential information or compromise the security of the system. Testing for both accessibility and security can help ensure that systems are safe and functional for all users.

Why are Accessibility and Security Testing Important?

Testing software for accessibility and security is important for a few reasons. First, ensuring that software is accessible to everyone—regardless of disability or ability—is mandated by many federal and state laws. Second, with the increased use of mobile devices and cloud-based applications, these applications must be as secure as possible.  Following NIST 800-53 guidelines is a great way to secure your application. Third, ensuring that software meets all requirements for accessibility can help protect users from potential data breaches and identity theft.

The best IT/software testing and compliance company for accessibility and security under this importance. They have the expertise to test both desktop applications and mobile apps for compliance with applicable standards such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and international standards like International Standard ISO/IEC 9241:2010 Disability Standards. Additionally, they can test for vulnerabilities that could allow hackers access to sensitive information or harm users’ safety.

By taking these steps, your organization can ensure that its software is safe and accessible for everyone who needs it.

Types of Accessibility and Security Testing

There are a few different types of accessibility and security testing that businesses can utilize.

The first type is compliance testing. This type of testing attempts to ensure that the software meets all applicable regulations, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Compliance testing can be done manually or with automated tools.

The second type of accessibility and security testing is usability testing. Usability testing focuses on how easy it is for users to access the software, use it, and understand its features. This type of testing can be done either manually or with automated tools.

The third type of accessibility and security testing is auditing. An audit involves taking a look at the software from an overall perspective and checking for any potential issues. Audits can be done manually or with automated tools.

The Benefits of Accessibility and Security Testing

Accessibility and security testing are essential parts of ensuring the quality of an IT/software system. A compliance audit can identify potential problems and ensure that the system is accessible and secure for users. Testing can also identify issues with how the system is designed, which could lead to vulnerabilities. By testing for accessibility and security issues, you can protect your users from potential harm and ensure that your systems meet the highest standards. Here are some of the benefits of accessibility and security testing:

1. Accessibility Testing Enables Users to Use the System As They Would be intended.

Many people who experience disabilities rely on software to function properly. If a system is not accessible, it can be difficult or even impossible for these individuals to use it. Accessibility testing helps ensure that all users have equal access to all features of a system, which helps them to take full advantage of its capabilities.

2. Security Testing Prevents Damage or Theft Of Data And Systems.

Security testing identifies potential vulnerabilities in your systems and prevents them from being exploited by criminals or unauthorized users. By testing for security issues, you can safeguard your data and systems from damage or theft.

Who Should Perform Accessibility and Security Testing?

The pressure to meet compliance regulations is accelerating the need for organizations to perform accessibility and security testing. However, who should be performing this testing? Several factors should be considered when answering this question, such as the size and complexity of the organization, the type of software being used, and the level of compliance required. However, one overriding factor is the expertise of those carrying out these tests.

While it is important for organizations to have someone with expertise in performing these tests, it is also important that they understand what needs to be tested and how best to go about doing so. This means having clear objectives, conducting pre-testing surveys, setting up test environments accurately and efficiently, and following up on any findings during post-testing activities.


It's no secret that the world is constantly changing, and with it comes new challenges for businesses in terms of accessibility and security. That's why choosing an IT/software testing and compliance company that specializes in these areas can be a great decision – not only will you be ensuring your site is compliant with current regulations, but you'll also be protecting yourself from potential cyberattacks. Make sure to explore our selection of companies to see which one best suits your needs!

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