The Best Family Protection Dog Breeds - Protectors And Loyal Friends

Posted by Kindery Mills
Jul 3, 2019

The presence of a pet animal inside a house can add a sense of security among its members. It is the simple idea of having another living being inside your premises. Some families prefer to think a step above, and so, they bring home a protection dog. These rough-shot animals are a perfect combination of brute strength, loyalty, and adorability. They can prevent unwanted and uninvited people from trespassing. However, the task of taking care of such a dog is much harder than any other canine. Protection dogs can be vicious, and they need extensive training. Otherwise, they will look at both strangers and neighbors with those menacing and distrustful eyes.

  1. Rottweiler: A Rottweiler is a classic guard dog if you can train it properly. As mentioned earlier, training the Family protection dogs is of absolute necessity. They tend to be both physically and mentally active. Unless you teach it proper disciplinary manners, it will bully you. Therefore, you should consider adopting a dog from a trainer. A Rottweiler is an intelligent creature that can carry out multiple jobs.
  2. German Shepherd: These Family protection dogs are the best and should be your first choice. German Shepherds are large and muscular. However, in spite of being physically capable, they tend to be gentle. German Shepherds are also immensely courageous. They won’t hesitate to sacrifice their own lives to save yours. You should hope that such a day never comes because German Shepherds are exceptionally lovable pooches. Both the military and police forces prefer adopting German Shepherds for duty.
  3. Doberman Pinscher: Another superb dog breed, Dobermans are athletic and intelligent. Training a Doberman is relatively more comfortable than other races. They require more exercising than most other dogs to stay fit. The intimidating visage of a Doberman is usually enough to get rid of any danger. However, you must take its training lightly, just because it is easy to train them. They require obedience training because they can be destructive.
  4. Boxer: A Boxer looks menacing, and that is what you probably seek. They have a fun-loving, active, and bright disposition. Boxers are incredibly loyal to their owners, and they are excellent for children. Although a Boxer may not be able to protect you well, as it doesn't have vicious nature. It can let you know about the presence of an unknown individual at your premises.
  5. Bullmastiff: Bullmastiffs come from cross-breeding a Mastiff and a Bulldog. These canines are robust, confident, fearless, and strong-willed. You must begin its training when it is just a puppy. Or, you should think about adopting a pre-trained one. Bullmastiffs rarely bark, but they can sense the intentions of any stranger.

Things to remember

You must not forget that dogs are animals with a brain. They experience and feel fear just as human beings. Most protection dogs are usually fearless, but there can be exceptions. For instance, dog trainers come across Bullmastiffs or Great Danes, which run away at the mere sight of danger. So, everything depends on the breed you choose and the animal’s personality traits. However, these incidents are relatively rare. You won’t have to worry about adopting a cowardly creature.

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