The Bent Member: What Women Need to Know

Posted by John Dugan
May 13, 2017

More than a few women have discovered that the world of men’s male organs can hold quite a few surprises. For example, many women have been with a man and surprised to discover that when he unveiled his manhood, what presented itself was a bent member. This can be disconcerting to many women, raising questions about whether this is a male organ health issue, how the member got that way in the first place, whether this will affect their ability to have sensual activity, etc. This article will hopefully answer a few of the common questions about a man’s bent member. 

Not so unusual 

First, it’s important to know that some curvature of the manhood is not unusual – and, in fact, many women find a little bit of a curve to be aesthetically very pleasing. It is actually the rare tumescent male organ that is perfectly straight. While there are no statistics kept on this, many doctors agree that the most common curvature is a slight curve upward, giving the member a shape that is a bit more “banana” like. However, many a tumescent manhood also curves downward, to the left or to the right. It’s also not unusual for there to be some combination, such as a member that curves both upward and to the left. 

In cases in which the curvature is minimal, there is no cause for concern. However, if a man possesses a bent member in which the degree of curvature is significant, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease and there may be some sensual issues to consider. 

Peyronie’s disease 

Named after the doctor who first wrote about it in the medical literature, Peyronie’s disease generally occurs due to trauma to the manhood. The word “trauma” tends to bring to mind images of excruciating pain, and sometimes this is the case; for example, the trauma may have been caused by being punched very hard in the member. 

However, trauma can also refer to any event that causes tearing of tissue in the male organ. This occurs more often than one might think. A man might couple with a woman without sufficient lubrication, for example, or might engage in an over-lengthy self-pleasuring session; the rawness of these acts in some cases can cause slight tearing in manhood tissue.

In the case of a blunt force blow trauma, a significant degree of tissue damage may occur. In the case of the aggressive or rough sensual activity, the degree may be much smaller; however, if the trauma occurs repeatedly over time, the amount of tissue damaged can be substantial. 

In either case, when the tissue heals, interior scarring occurs. In some cases, this scarring may prevent the repaired tissue from having the flexibility it once had. Thus when the member becomes firm, the scarred area cannot expand as fully as the rest of the member does, thus pulling the tumescent manhood up, down or to the side, creating the bent member. 


Most men with a bent member can still perform sensually with no problem. As a matter of fact, some women report that a bent member – especially one that curves upward – is better at stimulating the sensitive female organ parts. 

However, in some cases the degree of curvature can be so extreme that coupling is negatively affected. In such cases, some men may choose surgery as an option to straighten the member. 

Fortunately, a bent member only rarely affects a man’s sensual congress with women. And whether bent or straight, the manhood needs to be healthy, so be sure he uses a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème with vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which gives male organ skin its tone and elasticity. The crème should also include L-carnitine, an amino acid that has been shown to protect against peripheral nerve damage from rough and aggressive sensual activity.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.
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