The 5 Worst Trees To Prune

Posted by Milla James
Mar 22, 2022

Adelaide is home to many beautiful trees, but not all of them are suitable for Tree Removal In Adelaide. Some trees are extremely challenging or even dangerous to trim and should only be done by a professional arborist. In this post, we'll take a look at the five worst trees to prune in Adelaide and why you should avoid them.

  1. Maples

Maples are probably the worst trees to prune. With their delicate branches and propensity to bleed sap, it's easy to damage or even kill a maple. In addition, maples are very slow to heal from pruning wounds, so improper Tree Removal In Adelaide can leave lasting damage. If you're looking to prune a maple, take your time and be gentle--you may even need a professional arborist's help.

Tree Removal In Adelaide

  1. Elms

Elm trees are popular in the United States, but they shouldn't be pruned. Why? Elm trees are susceptible to Dutch elm disease, a fungal infection that can kill an elm tree. The fungus spreads when elms are pruned because the wounds provide an easy entrance for the fungus. Pruning also increases the chance of windthrow or the tree uprooting in a storm. So, while elm trees may look nice when pruned, it's best to leave them alone.

  1. Willows

There are a few trees that you should avoid Tree Pruning Adelaide at all costs, and willows are one of them. Willow trees are incredibly susceptible to damage, so even the slightest cut can cause the tree to rot and die. If you're not an experienced arborist, it's best to leave willow tree pruning to the pros.

  1. Conifers

Conifers are among the worst trees to prune. They grow slowly, so you're likely to see little improvement in the shape or size of the tree no matter how hard you try to prune it. In fact, you might even do more harm than good. Conifers are also very susceptible to fungal diseases, so any damage that's done during pruning will be amplified. If you're dead set on trimming a conifer, it's best to leave it to the professionals.

  1. Laurels

The laurel is often considered one of the worst trees to prune. Why? Because it's so commonly done incorrectly. People often think that all they have to do is cut off any dead branches, and they're good to go. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Laurel branches will sprout back, and sometimes even more aggressively than before. To properly prune a laurel, you need to know its growth pattern and where the new buds will form. Otherwise, you could end up with an ugly, overgrown tree.

There are many types of trees and many ways to prune them, but there are five types of trees that should never be pruned. These are maples, elms, willows, conifers, and laurels.


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