TENS Treatment at a Glance

Dec 13, 2017
TENS treatment procedure is a highly effective procedure to treat a person suffering from chronic pain problems. The treatment procedure is considered safe and easy to use. Machines used to carry out this therapy would range from a price around $20 to $500. The more expensive machines come with the additional muscle stimulation functionality feature.

  • Focusing on the Working Process of a TENS Device
TENS machine works through the placement of electrodes or TENS pads on the skin. Then, an electrical pulse is passed through the electrodes to stimulate the nerve endings. With higher pulse rate, the treatment can prove to be beneficial in blocking the impulses that are responsible for transmitting the pain messages to the brain. Additionally, a certain low pulse rate can also be used to stimulate the production of pain suppressing hormone called endorphin. The TENS unit can be effective enough to control the impulses intensity. However, it is recommended that the machine is used no more than 30 minutes at a stretch to the affected region. The procedure is effective but is recommended to be carried out under the close supervision of an expert physician or physiotherapist.

  • Understanding the type of Pain that could be Cured using a TENS Unit
TENS and EMS machine can be used for curing pain in the joints, nerves, and muscle regions. However, these machines would not be effective in offering relief to conditions like hepatitis, appendicitis, etc. Those who are suffering from chronic pain problems and under high medication would experience best results when undergone TENS treatment process. In fact, TENS treatment process has proved to be highly effective in minimizing the requirement for painkillers. It is a nice treatment option that promises minimal side effects. But then, you need to ensure that the process is being carried out by expert hands.

  • Can TENS be used during Pregnancy?
TENS treatment is becoming more and more popular to control labor pain. This process is a totally drug-free method that helps in controlling the pain in the pregnant woman. The intensity of stimulation can be increased using the device during deep pain during labor period. However, the machine usually gets operated in either of the two ways during labor conditions. During the contraction, high pulse rate is being passed to block the pain. And then, between the contractions, a lower pulse rate is being used for stimulating the endorphin production that ultimately helps in lowering the contraction pain.

EMS machine can be used prior to the start of labor before the painful condition has started to increase in order to stimulate the production of endorphin. This process is highly effective than waiting for further advancement of labor. However, there is a point of caution: TENS machines need to be used post the 37th week of pregnancy. Anything prior to that may not be a safer alternative to the situation.

TENS treatment is safe but never use the device if you have pacemaker attached to the heart. Also, the device should never be used on the mouth, over the wounds, or close to the eyes.
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