Symptoms Effects And Cures Of Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Posted by Angelika Matthias
Oct 29, 2016

Panic attacks have become really common these days. We see more and more people are suffering from mental ailments, and it has long term effects on their health. It is important to understand that any kind of mental disorder needs proper treatment. With the right kind of medication and counseling, the problem gradually subsides, therefore ensuring good overall health. In case you are not sure whether you are suffering from anxiety disorders or not, then here are some of the major symptoms which will help you figure out the condition of your mental health.

Major symptoms of anxiety disorders and panic attacks

·         Palpitation

·         Hyperventilation

·         Sweating

·         Nausea

·         Heat flashes

·         Sense of detachment

·         Dizziness

·         Discomfort in chest

·         Choking sensation

·         Trembling or shaking

·         Overwhelming panic

·         Breathing trouble

·         Losing control over impulses

How to handle panic attacks?

·         The biggest enemy of panic is relaxation, so try and relax as much as you possibly can. Keep calm in tough situations and try to think of a quick solution. Deep breathing really helps in avoiding hyperventilation. Focus on your breathing during an anxiety attack as that will really help you in controlling your trauma.

·         Positive thinking also helps in relieving panic, so think about all the good things in your life. See the glass as half full, envision the brighter side of life and you will be able to get out of the sticky situation. Negative thinking will make you even anxious, therefore leading to an even worse panic attack.

·         According to anxiety treatment in Den Haag, thinking that the situation will get over can really help in solving the problem. Keep in your mind that, however, bad the time is, it will soon get over, and more often than not, it does get over.

·         If you are suffering from relationship issues or a bad marriage then, go for couples therapy Den Haag, this therapy will not only help you realize the problems but will also help in solving it.

·         Exercising releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy! So exercise! The doctors who are involved in anxiety treatment in Den Haag, always recommend physical activities, like running, walking, jogging, etc. which will keep you fit and keep anxiety at bay.

·         Talking really helps a lot, so talk to someone who you trust and vent out you’re pent up emotions. This will relieve you of all the tension which has been added to your problems causing all the anxiety.

·         Going for therapy helps a lot, so if your marriage is on the rocks and that is the reason behind your health problems, then try to go for counseling. Couples therapy Den Haag will really help you in figuring out the problems and settling them one by one. This way your anxiety problems will subside in the long run.

Hey I am Angelika Matthias. I was suffering from severe Couples therapy Den Haag and anxiety treatment in Den Haag due to hectic work pressure at home as well as at work place and with other issues. After the proper counseling I am normal now. I am really thankful to the psychotherapist for their valuable suggestion.

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