Sydney's Detail Smoother Skin Clinic Publishes Cellulite Treatment Guide

Posted by PRC Agency
May 15, 2016

This most recent free guide from Detail Smoother Skin contains well-researched and detailed scientific information designed for women who want to get rid of their cellulite. The guide has been released for free to help Sydney women achieve a higher greater understanding about the process involved with cellulite treatment.

Detail Smoother Skin, a leading Sydney skin clinic, has published this new how-to guide after receiving many questions via their Facebook page, email and phone calls. The company's management team recognised the need to provide better education for their customers. Rather than addressing each concern individually, the decision was made to invest time and money to create this guide for any woman facing the challenge of trying to eradicate unwanted cellulite without pain or downtime.

The Full How-To Guide Goes Over The Following Points and more:

Overview of Cellulite & Fat – How to identify one from the other, to avoid applying the wrong treatment to affected areas of the body

What is Non-Surgical Liposuction – How to understand the differences between non-surgical liposuction and traditional surgical methods, to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

What to Expect Before, During & After Cellulite Treatment – How to prepare physically and mentally for each phase of the treatment, to avoid surprises or disappointment

Andrew Chim, CEO at Detail Smoother Skin spoke at length about the guide, excited to share the details, the reasons behind creating the guide on cellulite treatment and what Detail Smoother Skin hopes to accomplish with it: “I hope this guide will give women a better understanding about what cellulite is, because there are many myths about it online. Some of that misinformation can be dangerous. With this free cellulite reduction guide, consumers will be better educated and able to make an informed decision as to which cellulite treatment is best for them.”

The new guide has received strong interest already, with the majority of feedback being positive according to Andrew: "It's always encouraging when you spend time and resources creating something to help people, and you get great feedback like we have here."

Detail Smoother Skin plan to release several more free guides by the end of the year to further educate their customers and Sydney consumers. Their initial guide on Tattoo Removal has triggered significant online discussion, one reason behind Andrew's decision to create more guides.

Sydney women and anybody interested in learning more about modern alternatives for cellulite treatment are able to request a copy of the how-to guide online directly from the treatment page of the website:

More information about Detail Smoother Skin, its services, pricing and people can be found at the company's website -

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