Swimming Pool and Spa Leak Detection

Posted by Maria Williams
Aug 30, 2016

Leak in a swimming pool or a spa may be a common problem in the area you currently live in. Depending on the water level the liquid in your swimming pool may vary day to day and there can be plenty of reasons that may cause leaks. If you notice losing a quarter inch of water per day you are certainly facing with a leakage problem. Most of the common reasons why leaks occur are discovered in the hard accessible areas such as pipes, filters so professional repair services are more than needed. Even when the problem can be repaired easily the leaks can cause many disruptions and water loss that may result with high utility bills. By hiring someone experienced you save time and money. Trusting a company that is specialized in leak detection and who has extensive experience in locating can help you handle any problem with minimal disruptions to your everyday activities.

Technology is so advanced nowadays that the leaks in huge pools can be effectively detected without particular systematic procedures. The cost of repairing drains, pipes and other utilities is extra expensive.

Spa leak detection
Leakage of spa is difficult to find, but the common cause of spa leakage is the bad connections or seals with the water pipes, switches or heaters. If a spa leakage is detected at an early stage it can save money and reduce further damage. The professional spa leak detection services have qualified and skilled technicians who with the help of state-of-the-art technology help find and repair the spa leak. There are various components to find out spa leakages like the use of food colour in the spa water, if the leak is present in the hot tub or spa. Also the flashlight can be used to identify the leak and can be repaired. Another way to find out the leak is to fill the spa with water and mark the water level with a water resistant pen and let the spa run for some time, after 24 hours mark check the water to see if the water level has dropped. Professional spa repair services can help you find and resolve issues in time.

Swimming pool leak detection
The most helpful way of identifying if there is a leak in the pool is to fit a water meter which keeps detecting the volume of the water in the pool. On commercial swimming pools, it is mandatory to fix water meter to gauge the operation. So necessary precautions, maintenance and quick fixture of issues is the key to saving money. Locating your swimming leak pool can be easy if there are obvious and visible cracks around the surface. Same remains for your spa assets, detection in the earlier stage will reduce costs in future and you will avoid costly repairs. The latest tools like a camera, a sensitive microphone and transmitter can detect the main problem in no time.

If the pool/spa is losing more water while the pump is running, there is no doubt that you need to look for something like crack, gap or even a hole. Do the experiment when the water pump is off to see if the water goes down the crack. If this treatment can`t help you to see the precise location of the leak, contact our detectors they will be happy to help.

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