Surgical Conscience and Ethics
Surgical conscience refers to the ethics and morality followed by the team of surgical professionals for safeguarding the dignity, rights, values, beliefs, contentions and wellness of patients during and after the course of surgical intervention. The level of surgical conscience directs the surgeons and associated nurses in terms of their decision-making and behavior patterns while extending surgical interventions to the concerned patients. The beliefs, values, conventions and attitude followed by the surgical professionals influence the quality of their sterile and aseptic interventions across the operative units. Surgical conscience promotes the awareness levels of the surgical professionals in the context of configuring a safe environment across the operative unit for protecting the health and life of the affected patients. The pattern of surgical conscience provides privilege to the surgical professionals in terms of withholding the surgical interventions in the context of preventing the inappropriate invasion of the incorrect surgical site, unsafe surgical approaches or absence of informed consent by the concerned patients. External barriers that predominantly conflict with the patterns of surgical conscience attribute to the insurance companies, legislative mandates and requirements. These barriers affect the medical decision making sometimes force the surgical teams to follow unsafe practices leading to debilitating patient outcomes. Surgical conscience advocates the willingness of surgeons and nurses in terms of admitting their errors and earnestly rectifying them in the context of safeguarding the health, wellness and rights of the affected patients.
The following prerequisites require effective execution by the surgical team members for earnestly practicing surgical conscience across the operative units.
• Surgical team members require safeguarding the religious conventions, beliefs and perspectives of patients while extending surgical interventions across the operative units.
• The team of surgical professionals needs to consider the surgery candidates as dignified individuals and address their apprehensions prior to the execution of surgical interventions.
• The surgical team should respect and safeguard the privacy of surgical subjects and must not reveal their protected health information against their will and consent to any unauthorized individual.
• Surgical team members must refrain themselves from discussing their surgical case outside the premises of their surgical settings.
• The condition of patients following surgical intervention must not become the subject of public opinion and reporting of an adverse event across the operative room requires instant reporting by the members of the surgical team.
• The members of the surgical team must remain honest and refrain themselves from executing a surgical intervention with which they are unfamiliar during the course of their clinical experience.
The pattern of surgical conscience influences the following attributes of the members of the surgical team across the clinical setting:
• The safety of the patient predominantly influenced by the patterns of surgical conscience of the surgical team members. Therefore, team members must earnestly evaluate the factors that exhibit the potential of harming the patient.
• The evaluation of electrical hazards across the operative unit is influenced by the extent of surgical conscience followed by the surgical team members. Surgical team members must ascertain the removal of defective electrical cords and plugs for reducing the risk of any associated adverse event for patients requiring surgical intervention.
• The grounding of the patients during electrocautery intervention necessarily required for reducing the scope of electric shock and this attribute influenced by the level of conscience and ethics followed by the members of the surgical team.
• The movement and positioning of patients during the surgical interventions are influenced by the extent of surgical conscience followed by the surgical team. Surgical team members must safeguard the vasculature and musculoskeletal structures of the patients enrolled for the surgical interventions.
• The pattern of environmental protection influences the nursing care for the patients eligible for surgical intervention. Therefore, ethical conventions direct surgical teams for ceasing the unwanted exposure of patient’s body surface across the operative units in reducing the probability of infection transmission as suggested by an essay writer.
• The psychological state of patients is predominantly influenced by the ethical parameters and level of conscience followed by the surgical teams. Therefore, surgical teams must remain compassionate with patients across the operative room and effectively empathize with them throughout the course of surgical interventions.
Ethical behavior is a direct outcome of surgical conscience and the surgical teams must follow the best ethical practices for caring for patients across the surgical units in the context of elevating their wellness outcomes. The pain, anxiety, fear, beliefs, contentions and apprehensions of the patients require consistent attention by the members of the surgical team while configuring therapeutic communication with them in elevating their confidence and trust on the recommended surgical approaches. Most importantly, surgical team members should never reveal the personal information of the surgical candidates to unauthorized people without obtaining the due consent of the concerned patients. Nursing assignment help experts also specialize in writing such write ups.