Summer's Ending, Exercise For Fall Fitness

Posted by Neighborhood Trainers
Sep 13, 2019

Getting fit is a complicated thing. There are lots of reasons why people decide to get fit, and just to make things more complicated, what being ‘fit’ means can be different depending on who you speak to.

The goals for getting fit are as many as the people who turn up at the gym every day. One big motivator is often weight loss. People decide they are tired of carrying the additional weight, or to take the pressure off their knees and so their goal is dropping a pound or two. Others have no problem with the number on the scales but want to increase their physical fitness.

No matter what your motivations are, it might be worth considering working with a personal trainer Manhattan professional. Many people might think that a personal trainer is no for them; they pay enough with the gym membership every month and to put more money into the holy grail of fitness is just another way of throwing good money after bad.

A personal trainer will make all the difference, but if it not quite all you need, a Manhattan yoga class might be everything you need to show your fall colors. It seems a little early, even now as we haven’t hit Labor Day, but if you have been thinking about a new fitness program, yoga is probably one of the more civilized ways of getting back on the exercise treadmill, without getting on the literal treadmill.

The problem is yoga is something of a catch-all term. It is a bit like saying “I am a runner”. Are you a distance runner, are you a marathoner? Yoga is similar. There’s hatha yoga and hot yoga and in case you’re wondering, not all types of yoga start with an H.

The point is, there is some sort of yoga for everyone. You will just need to give it a try and find out which sort works for you. By the way in case you are concerned yoga is not really a religious experience.

Now in this era of Mindfulness, some of the more contemplative elements are making their way back in. Many teachers approach yoga as a holistic practice; one that has focus on both mind and body simultaneously. Doing an asana properly means coordinating body and breath. Meditation often starts by focusing on the breath as a starting point. You can see how the two are different, but have some similarities.

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