Strengthening The Endocrine Glands With Some Healthy Diet Sources
Hormones have got to perform some major functions in the body of living beings, which include the transfer of messages from one place to another. The glands that are responsible for secretion of these hormones are also spread in almost all parts of the body.
Some of the major endocrine glands that contribute immensely to the functioning of the human body are thyroid gland, pituitary gland, pineal, hypothalamus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries and testicles etc. All these glands perform functions such as regulation of sleep, metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate and reproduction processes etc.
Due to this, the healthy functioning of these endocrine glands is absolutely necessary and the human body requires nutrients with which, the endocrine glands could be triggered to secrete the designated enzymes.
Some of the major endocrine glands with their essential nutrient requirements are as follows:
Thyroid Gland:
Thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in the human body and it is liable for controlling functions of all the other glands of the body. Thyroid gland secretes thyroxin which is responsible for some major body functions.
The nutrients which help in betterment of human thyroid gland are Iodine, Vitamin D and Selenium etc. While sunlight is the free source with which your body could easily synthesize Vitamin D, it could also be obtained from other sources such as dairy products, organic eggs, sea foods and meat products.
Iodine could be obtained from iodized salt, sea foods and sea greens such as blue-green algae and chlorella etc.
Adrenal Gland:
Adrenal Gland is also known as ‘fight and flight gland’ due to some of its major secretions in the form of epinephrine and norepinephine, which are a constituent of collective, adrenalin hormone. This hormone is also known to combat stress in the body of human beings and is responsible for some other major functions such as regulation of blood pressure, blood sugar, metabolism, immune response and anti-inflammatory functions.
The food products that support the functioning of the adrenal gland are fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grained food items, seeds, nuts, beans and fatty sea foods etc.
Hypothalamus Gland:
Hypothalamus gland offers a major contribution to the human body in terms of metabolism and weight management. This imperative endocrine gland requires a regular supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids which include Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids in the ratio 1:1.
Foods that are rich in these acids include sea fishes such as salmon, tuna and sardines etc, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds and eggs etc.
Apart from these, various commercial sources of Omega Oils are also available which could offer the similar beneficial functions. Commercially available, Omega Fish Oils and Omega Fish Oil Capsules could adequately fulfill the needs of these polyunsaturated fats and provide benefits to the hypothalamus gland in the human body.
Pineal Gland:
Pineal Gland is essentially responsible for regulation of sleep cycles in the human body. It triggers the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that controls the circadian rhythms -- the inner clock mechanism of the human body.
The nutrients that help in the effective function of this imperative gland of the endocrine system are Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid and Vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine. These nutrients could be derived from food items such as lentils, mushrooms, beans, white meats, eggs, avocado and sweet potatoes etc.
The pancreas is also one of the imperative endocrine glands that help in regulation of body mechanism. It is also a part of human digestive system that secretes pancreatic juice for efficient digestion of the food. However, as an endocrine gland, it secretes two major hormones: Insulin and Glucagon that regulate the blood sugar level in the human body.
Pancreas could receive immense help from food items such as blueberries, garlic, tofu, sweet potatoes and yogurt etc.
All these are the major endocrine gland in the human body that perform their functions all throughout the life of human beings and are required to stay healthy with the appropriate nutrients that are vital for them.