Staying Hydrated Through An Outdoor Summer Workout

Aug 5, 2019

During the summer, it’s important to stay safe while working out. The increased temperatures can deter many from getting their daily regimen of exercise, but a little heat doesn’t have to stop you. You can exercise throughout the summer and stay safe by keeping the body hydrated and keeping some tips in mind for working out in the summer months.

Time Sessions Carefully

In the summer, the temperature can rise steadily throughout the day and make it dangerous to exercise during certain hours. Keep an eye on the weather and avoid outdoor workout sessions during the hottest times of the day. This can often mean working out either early in the morning or late at night, depending on your schedule and availability. If you venture into the heat for too long, you may be at risk of dehydration.

Replace Any Lost Fluids

During your workout, you will sweat. It’s important that the body gets these lost fluids returned in order to avoid dehydration, so you should drink water before a workout and during the session. It won’t hurt your performance to stop and take a sip while working out, so be sure to keep hydrated when working with a White Plains personal trainer.

Keep Water with You

It’s always recommended to keep water with you wherever you go, but this is even more important if you work out on a regular basis. It’s not enough to drink water just before an exercise session with your New York personal trainer – you should be drinking water throughout the day so that you remain properly hydrated. Take sips of water throughout your workday and before beginning your workout.

Recognize the Signs of Dehydration

One of the best ways to protect yourself from getting dehydrated is to learn how to recognize the signs of dehydration. If you feel thirsty, then you have already waited too long in between water breaks and should hydrate yourself. Other than thirst, symptoms that your body needs fluid include dizziness, fatigue, headaches, and darkly colored urine. It’s important to replenish the body as soon as possible to avoid serious health conditions.

You don’t have to stay inside all summer and miss out on the opportunity to show off your summer body. By staying hydrated, you can make the summer fun and get your workouts in with no problem. Keep these tips in mind if you want to keep up with your regimen even as the temperature soars.

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