SpreeCommerce Gift Card

Posted by web E.
Sep 30, 2016


A gift card is a stored-value money card usually issued by a business to be used as an alternative to cash for purchases within a particular store or related businesses. These are often used as a promotion strategy by businesses. Gift cards are usually redeemed using a unique code present on the card and in some situations may be subject to an expiry date or fees.

SpreeCommerce Gift Card Extension adds gift card functionality to your Spree store.

Any product can be marked as a gift card by admin in the edit section of a product.

These gift cards are listed as available for purchase and users can buy a gift card and directly send it to a recipient from interface shown below.

Gift cards can be redeemed by entering a unique gift card code during checkout. Users receive this code on email.

All gift cards are listed under the ‘Gift Cards’ section in the Admin Panel.

Admin can create new gift cards from the for specific users using their email id.


1. Add gem ‘spree_gift_card’, github: ‘jdutil/spree_gift_card’ to Gemfile
2. Run bundle
3. Run rails g spree_gift_card:install
4. Run rails g spree_gift_card:seed

Seed Gift Card Product

$ rails g spree_gift_card:seed


1. bundle exec rake test_app
2. bundle exec rspec spec
As it is an open source extension, you can access the code here. follow us on twitter for more updates.


Source - http://vinsol.com/spreecommerce-gift-card

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