Sometimes Male Organ Odor is Related to Antiperspirants
Antiperspirants have been a lifesaver
for many a man. The male body naturally tends to generate aromas, especially
when the man is active and sweating, and really good antiperspirants are the
key to keeping excess body odor at bay. But what about male organ odor?
Surprisingly, even when a man is very careful about hygiene and member health, he may still come down
with a rank manhood – and it’s possible that use of antiperspirants may be
contributing to that problem.
there’s nothing wrong with a little sweat. It’s a totally natural function of
the body and it happens with all men (and women). It also serves a very
important function – acting as the body’s “air conditioning system” to help the
body cool down when it’s overheated.
people need a lot of cooling down. The armpits alone can pump out as much as
3.5 gallons of sweat in one day. But not all sweat is the same. Sweat tends to
come from two different kinds of glands: the eccrine, which produces sweat that
doesn’t create odor, and the apocrine, which certainly does.
that the sweat is malodorous as it leaves the body. It’s when it’s outside the
body that the aroma issue begins. The sweat from apocrine glands contains fats
and proteins, which attract bacteria like flowers attract bees. The bacteria
latch onto these ingredients in the sweat, and – voila! – odor occurs.
bacteria simply love moist places like armpits (and male organs) and they also
love environments that have a low ph level. The underarm skin has a naturally
acidic layer which helps keep bacteria away, but harsh soaps can wear this
layer away – making bacteria more likely to proliferate.
that’s where antiperspirants come in. They attempt to eliminate the odor
problem by reducing the amount of sweat produced under the arms.
Antiperspirants tend to be composed of mixtures of aluminum chloride and some
nitrile compound. When these ingredients get placed under the arm, they react
to the initial presence of sweat by forming a gel. The gel spreads across the
pores, plugging them up so that more sweat can’t escape.
substantial debate over exactly how safe antiperspirants are and how much they
should be used. But for the time being, millions of men use them regularly. And
for some of them, that may be the reason their male organ odor is on the rise.
organ odor connection
may seem odd that using an antiperspirant under the arms should create odor
around the manhood, but there’s a pretty logical reason. Think about a little
stream. If a person places a large boulder to block the stream, water builds up
behind the boulder, but eventually it spills over and is diverted around the
what happens with antiperspirants. The sweat is blocked from exiting via the
underarms, but it still needs to escape elsewhere, so it chooses other parts of
the body – such as the midsection. The male organ area is already a mighty
producer of sweat; with antiperspirant use, it may be a major receptacle for
bypassed sweat.
to do
Many men prefer deodorants to
antiperspirants, but those who do use antiperspirants need to wash their
manhood regularly with a mild soap to help alleviate male organ odor. They also
are strongly advised to apply a superior member
health crème (health
professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven
mild and safe for skin). Since bacteria are a major cause of
male organ odor, selecting a crème with antibacterial properties is de rigueur.
Therefore, be sure to find a crème with vitamin A, which is well-known for its
ability to fight odor-producing bacteria. It also is helpful if vitamin E is
included in the crème. Vitamin E helps to repair damaged skin cells that may be
a hangout for bacteria. In general, keeping the manhood fit through a good
member health crème makes the male organ more resistant to bacterial issues.