Some Wonderful Facts About Camel Milk That You Might Not Have Known Before

Posted by Rahul V.
Jul 3, 2017

You might not believe it, but camel milk has been consumed for more than 5000 years for a number of reasons. The Arabs, in particular, used it to ward off germs, support gut health and to supplement their systems with nutrients. In fact, it also helped to quench thirst to the people living in the Middle Eastern countries, where drinking water was always scarce. Back in the 21st century, both the milk and camel milk products continue to bestow the same health benefits, making it a first choice among thousands of health enthusiasts.


Here are some more interesting things about this milk. Hope you will love knowing them.


The Outstanding Properties


With it’s the thick, white appearance with the signature ‘milky’ odor, camel milk does not look different to that of the cow. However, the former has more saturated chemical compositions, which give it a characteristic taste. By nature, camel milk is fortified with more natural calcium, sodium, potassium, lactose and amino acid than what you will find in cow milk. If you fail to get regular supply of fresh camel milk every day, then you can buy camel milk powder online. It is more resistant to heat. Plus, it contains low amount of bifid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria, in addition to other antibacterial components. Together, they prevent the milk from souring. This makes it fresh and readily consumable for many hours. Camel milk also contains a good reserve of sodium. This makes it an excellent thirst quencher. So when you are on a long, tedious trek, make sure that you pack some camel milk with you.


Using The Milk Of Camel


Camel milk is a very popular Muslim food, which has made its efficacy felt to people residing in every corner of the planet. Even if you do not get access to the milk directly, you can order a number of products, which are prepared with care from the milk. For example, you can help them in the form of yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese and even as low-alcohol drinks like kumys and shubat. And did you know that the exotic salty Swiss chocolate that you savor is actually prepared from camel milk?


The Bedouins’ Choice


The Bedoiuns literally swear by it. Almost every Bedouin household makes sure that they have a camel at home. They insist on numerous Camel Milk Benefits for Men, and believe that its holistic policies are enormous. It works great as a sunscreen and moisturizer, as well! 

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