Sleep Apnea Treatment: Lifestyle Changes and Home Remedies

Posted by Sleep Pro
Aug 22, 2016
Obstructive sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. Apnea is defined as a cessation of breath that lasts at least ten seconds, causing loud snoring noise. This happen when the muscles in the back of the throat collapse, causing blockages in the airway and breathing interruptions. OSA patients require sleep apnea treatment products to stop their snoring issue and get good night’s sleep. However, in moderate cases, self-care can help you get relief to a certain extent to deal with sleep apnea. Try these tips:.

sleep apnea treatment products

Yoga and meditation

Yoga is considered to be the physical, mental, and spiritual practices that aim to transform your body and mind. Yoga and meditation reduce stress levels and enhance circulation, strengthening heart and lungs in order to help your body recover more effectively when you sleep.
Sleep on your side or abdomen

Sleeping on your back can promote snoring as your tongue and soft palate rest against the back of your throat, blocking your airway. To prevent this sleeping on your back, instead sleep on your side and abdomen.

Lose excess weight

The most common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is excess weight and obesity, which is associated with soft tissue of the throat. Even a slight loss in excess weight may help relieve constriction of your throat. It’s important that you lose excess weight for better health and better night sleep. Remember that sleep apnea will likely come back if you regain the weight.

Maintain regular sleep hours

Maintain a steady sleep schedule in order to get better and enough sleep so that your body feels relaxed and energized all day long. Generally, apnea episodes reduce when you get plenty of sleep, and don’t drink coffee or heavy meals before going to bed.

Keep your airway open using anti snoring device

Wear anti snoring oral appliance to help keep your airway passage open. Consult experts for getting your custom fit stop snoring device because these mouthpieces are generally engineered and custom moulded, considering your health and snoring issue.

Some patients don’t see their sleep apnea and snoring as a problem in the first place. It’s important for them to realize that they might be a symptom of bigger health issues. So, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Use sleep apnea treatment products and do these small lifestyle changes & home remedies to stop your snoring problem.

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