Simple Ways To Optimize Your Google AdWords Campaign

Posted by Jeremy Banks
Sep 5, 2017
Pay per click advertising is one of the most widely turned to marketing tactic out there today. It’s client-friendly, cost-effective, and importantly, has allowed countless businesses to flourish without having to go through the stresses of traditional advertising. Google AdWords campaigns, in particular, are quite popular, and for good reason.

AdWords allows companies to gain exposure on the world’s most widely-used search engine. It’s no wonder then why companies invest a lot in these campaigns. While it may be more cost efficient compared to print ads or television ads, some companies can’t avoid overspending on their campaigns.

It’s important for every business owner looking to give Google AdWords a go to know that there are more simple ways to optimize their campaign.

Google Adwords

A Relevant Landing Page

This is just as important as making sure they click the ad. It would be of no help at all for your company’s conversion rates to have customers click on an ad that says “Low cost car accessories” and have them land on a page displaying stressfully priced products. 

Companies have to make sure that what your page and what the ad says match. Behavior like this could potentially give your company a bad reputation and will surely put customers off.

Negative Keywords

One feature AdWords allows clients is using negative keywords. Keywords are inputted in order to dictate when the ads will show up, and negative keywords, in particular, are there to make sure that the ads don’t always show up.

It helps to save a lot of money when you make sure that your ads only show up on the search results of and are clicked by your target market who are actually interested in your product or service.

Wise Keyword Usage

There are different types of keywords one can utilize in AdWords. 
Broad keywords include all ads with any of the words in any order, including synonyms, making it the widest-encompassing type. 

Broad match modified keywords, meanwhile, make sure that the ad appears only in searches with the exact words in their exact order as you’ve specified.

Phrase match keywords allow your ad to appear in searches that use a phrase you’ve specified.

Exact match keywords, finally, make sure that your ads only appear with the exact phrase you’ve specified. 

Note your campaign’s market and relevancy when creating considering which type of keyword you’ll use.

Modify Type of Keyword Over Time

It’s a good idea for fresh ads to go with broad match keywords since it’s controlled enough to make sure your ad appears with more relevant searches, but is still broad enough to help you gather data on what may or may not work.

Later on, when you’ve got a better grasp of your market, you can move to using phrase or exact match. 

Maximize ETAs

Expanded text ads allow for extra space to tell customers about the product/service, which is why it’s important that you fill out all the fields with accurate and persuasive information. Make use of the extra headline, the paths, and make sure you put quality copy in the description.

Maximize Ad Extentions

These extentions allow you to better show searchers what your brand is about. Sitelinks and reviews extensions, in particular are good ideas.
Sitelinks extensions provide searchers with additional links, allowing your page extra potential for exposure to customers who’s searches are relevant to your ad.
Reviews extensions are also great since it can increase engagement regarding your product/service, widening your exposure.

No matter what your product or service, it always helps to get closer to the local market. By making your company more convenient to local searchers by targeting specific physical locations, customers are more likely to avail of what you have to offer.

Make Sure It’s Mobile-optimized

A lot of searches occur on mobile devices, so it’s only wise to make sure your ads and pages are well-functioning on mobile devices as well.
Additionally, you can take advantage of mobile ads’ CPCs costing 25% less than desktop ads and go with a mobile-only campaign.

Knowing simple ways of optimization could keep any business from stepping into overspending. Google AdWords is easily a good idea, and with simple optimization tips, could well lead you on your way to good conversion rates, great profit, and a successful campaign.

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