Want to grow a sexy
beard but need some help? Help is coming! Check out these simple tips for
becoming a member of a bearded family!
1. Abandon your razor
According to NYC barbers, the first step is pretty simple – just abandon your razor. Forget about shaving, enjoy extra free time in the morning and evening, and dedicate these precious minutes to something you truly love and enjoy!
2. Survive itchy stage
Unfortunately, growing process has some challenges, and itchiness is one of them. Your skin gets used to a new, hairy environment and responds with a terrible itch. There is nothing you can do, so survive this stage with pride and moral courage.
3. Wash regularly
Your beard requires regular washing in order to feel clean and smell good. Shampoo your facial hair every other day to make it fresh and avoid over-washing. NYC barbers also recommend treating your beard with a conditioner because it’s the richest source of moisture and nourishment.
4. Maintain tidy look
You want to look like a sexy bearded man, not like a prehistoric creature. That’s why you should avoid messy look and take care of your facial hair even during growing process. Comb your beard every day to define the right hair growth direction and make your beard look tidy. Another way to keep everything under control is to use beard oil, which softens hairs and makes them more obedient.
5. Patience is the key
If you want to join a bearded family, you should arm yourself with patience. Sometimes it will seem your facial hair takes forever to grow, but that’s the way it goes. Your beard needs, at least, a month to reach needed thickness and length, so don’t expect miracles. Set the right expectations, and eventually, your beard will come into bloom!
More tips for you are here