Signs Your Clutch Needs Replaced

Posted by Kevin Smith
Jan 27, 2017
If you drive a vehicle with a standard transmission, then you know the importance of your clutch. What you may not know is how to tell if your clutch is getting worn out and needs repaired or replaced. In order to keep your vehicle operating properly, it is essential that you know the signs of a bad clutch so you can take it in for full service car repair in Alpharetta.

Function of a Clutch

The clutch plays an important role in enabling your vehicle to shift gears. It is the clutch that controls the power coming from the engine as it goes to the transmission and wheels. This ensures that your vehicle is in the correct gear you need it to be based on how you are driving and road conditions you are experiencing. You likely know that you have to depress the clutch when you want to shift gears or when you are stopped.

Common Signs of a Bad Clutch

There are a few main signs that you can watch out for that will indicate your clutch is going bad.  If you notice any of these signs it is important to seek help from a professional in full service car repair in Alpharetta.

While you can certainly listen and watch for signals of a bad clutch, you can also use your sense of smell. A clutch that is wearing out may smell like it is burning. In addition, you might see smoke. This usually indicated overheating but may also be a sign of other damage.

You should also pay attention to what happens when you are using the clutch. If you are having trouble shifting into gears or it slips out of gear once you do get it in, then this is a good sign something is wrong with the clutch. Especially watch for trouble putting it in first gear or reverse, which is where problems generally first occur.

You may also notice your clutch sticking. It may be difficult to press or it may not come up after you press it. You may find that it feels spongy, too. Watch for how far out you need to let the clutch when it finally kicks into gear. Changes in how the clutch feels can be indicators something is wrong and you should get it checked out.

Finally, you can actually look at the clutch. Check it for visible damage. Only do this, though, if you know what you are looking for. Otherwise, leave it to the professionals to have a look so any issues are sure to be found.

Making sure that your clutch is in good condition is important to keeping your vehicle running properly. If you notice any issues, it is important to get your vehicle to a professional for full service car repair in Alpharetta. Only a professional can completely check out your clutch, look for any damage and make the necessary repairs. This will offer you insurance that your problems will be taken care of before they become more serious and lead to your vehicle being unusable.
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