Shopping Bag Retailer Issues Environmental Challenge to Consumers
Experts agree that the earth is quickly being overtaken by disposal plastic bags, bottles and other trash, and unless we do something about it, the problem will just continue to get worse. And one retailer has just issued a challenge to consumers everywhere to do their part to put an end to the problem.
“When you have a plastic garbage dump floating in the ocean that’s the size of Texas, it’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed,” says a spokesman from MJH Innovations, a retailer that specializes in eco-friendly products such as reusable shopping bags. “I believe that if people only understood the magnitude of the problem, they would do all they could to help alleviate it.”
Studies have shown that cities are being overrun with plastic bottles and disposal plastic bags and they’re clogging up sewer systems and ending up in waterways. One of the reasons is that the plastic is too expensive to recycle, so it ends up wherever it lands. Many towns and cities have passed plastic bag bangs to help alleviate the problem, but the retailer says consumers can do even more.
“If everyone would do three simple things like saying no to all the plastic given out with takeout food, using metal water bottles instead of plastic bottles, and carrying reusable shopping bags, it would help immensely,” he says. “And that’s my mission. I want to educate the public and help them understand that if they would only commit to changing those three behaviors, it would eliminate a lot of plastic pollution.
About: MJH Innovations is seller of quality products that make people’s lives easier. It is their company philosophy that good products shouldn’t cost a fortune, and they work hard to provide quality products to consumers for reasonable prices. Shoppers can find many of their products listed on Amazon Prime.