Severe Problems Associated With Diabetes Mellitus And Their Treatments

Posted by Lucine Rose
May 27, 2016

Diabetes is a disease, which can be genetic or acquired that is caused by prolonged high sugar levels in the blood. It is generally characterized due to loss of the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, which are responsible for productions of Insulin, which properly metabolizes the sugars in our body.

A deficiency in this hormone causes disbalance and hence, results in elevated sugar levels in blood. It is associated with severe other complications like neurodegenerative disorders and foot problems as well. Two of the most severe problems associated with diabetes are Diabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Feet.

Coming first to diabetic neuropathy, which is basically caused by damage to the nerve fibers and it is studies that if blood sugar levels are constantly high in the system, then it can harm the nerves, which in turn can affect all other organs.

Symptoms to see for diagnosing it:

  •      Dysfunction in sexual cycle and behavior
  •      Urinary problems
  •       Problems with regular bowels, either constipation or diarrhoea can be seen.
  •       External organs are affected like fingers, legs, feet, hands etc.

  • However, there is no remedy or cure for this disease but what can be done is to:
  •      Control its progression
  •     Restoring normal functions by regulating sugar levels and complications need to be managed.
  •      Avoid drinking alcohol and quit smoking
  •      Maintaining body weight with a balanced diet
  •      Keeping blood pressure level under control

Now, coming to another severe side effect of this deadly disease is Diabetic Foot that is basically a pathological effect, we see as a result of neural problems that come from prolonged diabetes. It is associated with-

  •      Altered bone and skin perfusion
  •      Limitations in mobility and ulcerations
  •      Callus formation, tissue destruction, etc.
  •    Results in progressive weakening of the muscles firstly associated with pain than with subsequent loss of pain due to neural damage, which results in loss of sensation.

Treatment of this disease is a time taking factor and challenging as well. Though, its risk factor can be reduced by:

  •     Using antimicrobial drugs topically like Vancomycin and Tifecycline that will reduce the pain and infection.
  •         Orthopaedic appliances can also be used.
  •      Surgical treatments are carried in case of aggravated infections.
  •   Footwear should be checked before using as it can regulate the spread of infection.

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