Sell Your Home Like A Boss: New Book Reveals Tips & Tricks To Property Investing

Posted by PRC Agency
May 12, 2022
Sell Your Home Like A Boss: New Book Reveals Tips & Tricks To Property Investing

Are you thinking of selling your home? The process is not as easy as it sounds. In fact, according to Aaron Hendon, managing broker at Christine & Company, it can be one hell of a doozy.

Say, what?!

Yeah, that’s right. Despite popular media saying that “selling your home” is as easy as the alphabet - they forget to mention this ONE mistake that 70% of us make when buying or selling our homes. And this mistake can cost us THOUSANDS of dollars each time.

My God, I need to know: Aaron, what is it?

He explains it all in his new book, “Sell Your Home Like a Boss”.

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The new book, which is now available on Amazon, reveals the little-known secrets that many real estate agents keep from us. In particular, he talks about the cognitive biases that you make when posting your “for sale” ads on Zillow or Reddit.

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in thinking that occur when people interpret the information in the world around them. Hendon explains that this type of thinking has evolutionary benefits. Our ability to act quickly, without needing to consciously think through every alternative, provided life-saving value as we developed as a species.

Hendon notes that cognitive biases are essential to survival, but become a hindrance to more complex decision-making processes, such as buying and selling a home.

As the brain attempts to simplify information, it makes biases related to memory.

When selling one’s home, this can manifest as over-declaring amenities or features due to the emotional attachment placed on it. For example, it is common for sellers to expect to get paid back for every improvement they did to the property since they purchased it - they feel, that because they paid for it, they should get paid back. Buyers, on the other hand, don't care what a seller paid, they see the house in its current condition only.

Hendon explains all this in more in “Sell Your Home Like a Boss”. He also reveals easy tips on selling so that you can do so WITHOUT an agent.

A review of the book reads, “This book reveals things you need to know but nobody bothered to tell you. Sell Your Home Like a Boss takes the time to walk you through every step of selling your home.”

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