See a Bright and Clear World after Cataract Surgery

Posted by Bharti Eye
Mar 30, 2017
For a patient suffering from cataract, colors of the world look dull and muted. Cataract is a natural and gradual phenomenon of an eye when the natural lens of the eye gets clouded. This results in blurred vision for the patient. It is a natural phenomenon which occurs as you age. Cataract can be treated, only by surgery, when the natural lens of the eye is removed and an artificial or intraocular lens is inserted in its place for a clearer vision, says cataract specialist in Delhi.

The intraocular lens or IOL works in a similar way as the natural lens by reflecting the light at the back of the eye giving better vision. Since the artificial lens is new, you will see everything brighter than before. Any cataract surgery hospital in Delhi or anywhere else around the globe treats the patient for cataract in a day care facility. The entire surgery process takes less than an hour.

You will be administered anaesthesia by injection in the eye. A small incision, depending on the type of surgery, will be made in the eye through which the natural lens is removed and artificial inserted. The most common and recent technique followed in top eye hospital in Delhi and everywhere is the phacoemulsification, in which the recovery is quick compared to other methods.

Your natural cataractous lens will be emulsified and aspirated in this process and a new lens inserted clearing your blurred vision.

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