Saving Money Every time Might Cost You More
I'm a big fan of DIY because I believe if you have the talent to fix things by our own you save quite a lot of money. If I can cut my grass by myself I not only save money for the day but I'm saving it throughout the entire life. Many DIY things are related to our daily life activities and If you can handle it properly you are not saving money for that period of time but you are saving for the entire life.
Here many people's have debates and it comes in various forms, for example, few of my friends always say to me that "You make good money then bother to do it by yourself since you can afford a help for this easily?" And my answer to them is always like "I have money and I worked hard for it, I'm not being a person who wants to save all the time but I'm a kind of person who takes the opportunity to save something if he can." Some of the friends take this debates in another angle they always say that "if we do things by ourselves then how the labor of that field can earn money and survive." If we need to fix a fan or any electric stuff and we do it by ourselves then how an electrician will make money. We should take help for any work that we can and this is how the world in working". I pretty much was against this also with my stubborn mind of DIY but this leads me to a bigger problem just a few days back.
My wife shouted me that our shower is leaking and I rush into the bathroom to find out, I see the shower was leaking few drops of water continuously and it was getting mess so I tried to fix it up but since I'm not a plumber but have a habit of applying my own engineering I messed it up further and few drops of leaking become a heavy leaking of water from shower. Luckily I was saved by a shower leaking company. If you are in Melbourne and has bathroom issues especially "shower leaking" I recommend The Shower Man Melbourne. They are not the fasted but they provide good quality service.
Anyway, just because of my stubborn nature I didn't gave it up and still tries to do things by my own, and yesterday I had some problem with the electric connection of my television and I tried to do it by myself but man things got totally worse here I made some mistake and my TV get damage due to short circuit. I needed a new TV now because repairing it is also too expensive. After this incident, I decided that I won't do all the thing by myself because every person cannot know everything and therefore we need specialize person for that role. The purpose of this article is to deliver the experience I had and encourage you guys not try to do everything by yourself because at some point it will make you pay for much more then you could ever to any technical guy.