Saudi Arabian Ex-Muslim Launches Fundraising Campaign for Reforming Islam

Posted by Jacob Willam
Apr 15, 2016


Germany - Taleb Al Abdulmohsen is Saudi Arabian presently in Germany who has gone public with his views on Islam. Now an Ex-Muslim, Taleb has launched a reformist campaign starting with a book named “Creative Refutation of Islam.” The Indigogo crowdfunding campaign has already been launched and supporters of his cause have started making contributions. While the initial reactions from his friends and colleague have not been favorable, Taleb has all intentions of going ahead with the campaign.

Taleb has debated and discussed the fundamental concepts of Islam for long and has finally come out with a formula that he believes is sure to appeal to one out of 10 Muslims. As a result, someone has spoken of analyzing the geographic dimension of Arabic Islam perhaps for the first time. Supporting Kant, he has prescribed the “need for Arabs to go beyond laziness and cowardice and enter the lane of critical thinking.” “Even after that you are not completely safe,” adds the doctor. “Once in the reasoning lane, you will have to persistently avoid misleading arguments.”

Through his principles, reasoning and critical thinking, the doctor has finally got his stand right: “I am sincerely led to believe that Islam did not originate from a divine origin and its existence is subject to absolute reform or total shutdown.” He has also expressed his concerns on the overall validity of Islam that is taught to students in classes and by parents. He says: “You will notice that most Muslims do not have a great range of critical arguments and become speechless by the end of such debates.”

Dr Al Abdulmohsen’s efforts are also geared toward a greater cause of giving room to freethinkers in Islam. As he puts it himself: “I cannot afford to say what I am saying in Saudi Arabia. We have had too many executions already. Unless people are willing to give space to free thought and speech, Islam will continue to be a flawed doctrine. This is the basic change that I want to see.”

About the Company

Taleb Al Abdulmohsen is creating an academy of Ex-Muslims dedicated expressly toward the refutation of Islam. The academy is based on refuting Islam with Arabic-style arguments. Taleb’s first book is titled “Creative Refutation of Islam.”

Dr Taleb Al Abdulmohsen can be contacted on Twitter

The crowdfunding campaign can be supported at

Ex-Muslims Academy can be supported at

Contact Name: Taleb Al Abdulmohsen
Website URL:

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