Regular Visits To The Bar Can Actually Be Beneficial For Your Health

Posted by Eva Taylor
Nov 29, 2018

 Frank Sinatra was not wrong when he uttered the following words:

“I feel sorry for those who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they are going to feel all day.”

While the world is constantly evolving with technology and innovations and the bars gear to catch up with the pace by planning on introducing robotic bartenders, there is one thing that is still not widely known despite there being so many ways to make the news viral. And that’s that regular visits to the bar can actually bring you several health benefits. Surprised? Find out how here!

A research conducted by a team of anthropologists and psychologists called “Friends on Tap: The Role of Pubs at the Heart of Community," concludes that there are both physical and psychological health benefits of going to the bar often. Truth be told, the benefits are noteworthy and plenty.

The study also made the fact known that people who live near pubs and bars are happier than those who live far away from such spots. This is major because those who live nearby tend to be socially active as they get to go to the bar and interact with their own circle of friends as well as new people. They also have more people to count on for support and this affects their mental health.

The research gained a bit of fame amongst youngsters and led to increased customers for Karaoke bars in Arlington and elsewhere. We mention Karaoke bars because that’s where there are more options for the visitors to have fun, relax, interact, and sway the nights.

In a press release covered, the lead researcher of this study Professor Robin Dunbar said:

“Friendship and community are probably the two most important factors influencing our health and well-being. Making and maintaining friendships, however, is something that has to be done face-to-face: the digital world is simply no substitute. Given the increasing tendency for our social life to be online rather than face-to-face, having relaxed accessible venues where people can meet old friends and make new ones becomes ever more necessary."

This is what helps the bars get over the stigma and notoriety that they have associated for ages now. But before you get all excited and make your way to a Karaoke Bar in Fort Worth.

The research conducted by Professor Dunbar's has set out a few warnings that you should know of. To begin with, remember what you must remember, i.e., moderation is the key to a healthy and healthy life. Although frequenting the bar often is good for you, you must ensure you don’t consume alcohol in quantities that are higher than those regarded as ‘safe’. Overdosing can actually result in health issues and cause you to weaken while increasing the risk of tripping and getting fractures etc.

Now that you know how the bars play a role in keeping you physically and mentally healthy and the limitations that you must abide by, there is no reason you hold yourself back from making your way to Mac’s Tavern and Grill here in Arlington right now. Your friends will love this invitation and thank you for making the choice!

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