Questions To Ask Before You Hire Estate Lawyer

Posted by Alice Wilson
Jan 9, 2023

When you Hire Estate Lawyer Auckland your goal is to create a plan that will help protect your loved ones in the event of your death. But even if you have an excellent relationship with this person, there are some questions you need to ask before signing on the dotted line.

Here are four important questions to consider before hiring an estate lawyer:

What does your estate plan look like so far?

If you've never had an estate plan, or if you don't have an up-to-date one, it's time to get one. Your estate is made up of everything you own when you die—your bank accounts and stocks, real estate properties, cars and art collections. It also includes who inherits these items after your passing.

If you have minor children who will need financial help when they grow up (for example because their biological parent passed away), then having a will is particularly important. Without a will in place that names a guardian for your children, the state may step in and choose someone else instead of the person or people whom he/she would prefer.

This can be upsetting for everyone involved—especially if there is a conflict between family members about how best to raise those children.

What kind of budget can you afford?

Before you Hire Employment Lawyer, it's important to understand how much your estate plan will cost. The price can vary depending on the size and complexity of your estate, as well as what kind of lawyer you choose (a solo practitioner or a larger firm).

When talking with a prospective attorney about their fees, ask about their hourly rate and what services they provide beyond just drafting documents.

You should also make sure you have enough money saved up for whatever costs are involved with creating an estate plan and maintaining it over time. If not, that could be a deal breaker if there isn't enough left after medical expenses at the end of life have been paid off.

What kind of lawyer do you need?

You should be clear on who you need and what kind of lawyer you will find. You can also ask if the lawyer is familiar with your area. If you have a question about a particular issue, such as estate planning or estate litigation, then it would be helpful if the lawyer has experience in one or both fields.

Another important question to ask when hiring an estate lawyer is whether they are willing to take care of everything for you without charging extra fees.

Many Estate Lawyers in Auckland charge high fees up front but then treat additional tasks as separate projects that they charge additional money for later on down the road (and sometimes do not even do those additional tasks). When hiring an attorney, make sure that he/she is willing to take care of everything without charging extra fees along the way—and make sure there isn't anything in writing saying otherwise!

How quickly do you need this lawyer to work on your plan?

When considering hiring an estate lawyer, it's important to ask how quickly the lawyer needs to work on your plan. Does the lawyer need to file a plan before a certain date? Or does it make more sense for you to have time to find and hire your own lawyer?

The time frame in which your attorney must complete their work can impact both the cost of their services and whether or not they're right for you.


So, before you hire an estate lawyer, ask these questions. They’ll help you figure out if it’s the right time to start working with an estate attorney, who they should be and what they can do for you. We hope this information becomes useful in helping you make a decision about whether or not it's time to hire an estate lawyer today!

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