Power BI Features

Posted by kritishah
Mar 28, 2022

Power BI features list shown below:

1. Monthly Product Updates [available in all versions]

Power BI was launched in July 2015. Since then, Microsoft has continued to invest heavily in developing Power BI by adding monthly feature updates. With a vibrant online community, you can influence which new Power BI features get prioritized for development.

2. Extract Insights from large datasets [varies by version]

Excel worksheets come with a standard limit of 1,048,576 rows. While performance in Excel will slow well before the said row limit, it’s a common requirement for users to analyze datasets over one million rows in size. Power BI compresses your data so you can extract insights from large datasets. With a well-built data model, learn power bi can help you analyze datasets containing over 100 million rows.

Power BI also offers useful features for working with truly large datasets that are greater than several hundred million rows. For example, users can set up aggregation tables in Power BI. Aggregations take advantage of pre-calculated data to speed up queries, reducing the time needed to render your reports.

Additional computing power can be unlocked with Power BI Premium. If your organization needs to store very large datasets in Power BI, you can purchase dedicated cloud Power BI Premium instances to enable even faster query times and refresh capabilities.

3. Create custom visualizations with R and Python (available in all versions)

While Power BI supports many standard data visualizations out of the box, it’s also possible to build your own with custom data visualizations. By adding open-source data-viz libraries from R and Python, analysts can create highly customizable visualizations to add to their next Power BI report.

Learn More about Power BI : https://www.igmguru.com/data-science-bi/power-bi-certification-training/

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