Points to bear in mind when buying mission critical furniture solutions

Posted by Alfrid Disouza
Feb 26, 2013
When buying technical furniture for a mission critical facility, you certainly have to be careful. In fact, being careful is inevitable whether the furniture is required for an emergency response control room or an operations center. Furthermore, you have to ensure that the mission critical furniture solutions you explore are able to handle the stress of the demanding environment of your facility. In addition, there are several points that are to be kept in mind and these include:

  • Durability: If the furniture is to be used in a critical operations environment, you have to be even more cautious regarding the former’s durability. Simply put, it would be a smart move if you ensure that the furniture has been purposely built to durability and nature of the environment has been taken into consideration while undertaking the development of the furniture.

  • Number of equipment: At your facility, you may have several workstations and each of these might have a large number of computer equipment. Here, it is obvious that you have to ensure that the furniture would be able to manage such large quantities of computer equipment with ease. 

  • Ergonomic issues: It is undeniable that while operating in a critical environment, you’d be facing several ergonomic issues. Interestingly, if the furniture focuses on these issues, you are certainly making the right choice by buying it for your facility.

  • Maintenance: Of course, the furniture has to make things easier for you and ideally maintenance should be one of these things. The latter can be made easy if the furniture has some provision for providing special access. Just so you know, access would be required for equipment as well as wiring.

  • Flexibility: Choosing among mission critical solutions would be easier when you anticipate some things from the future as well. For instance, the furniture has to have a modular approach. That’s because only this approach can provide future flexibility, thereby laying the foundation for parametric growth and change.

Nevertheless, you should make sure that the technical furniture you are buying for your mission critical facility has been designed to overcome the limitations of typical office furniture. In other words, the furniture should facilitate optimized human machine interface and must be fit for 24/7 applications. Furthermore, it is also worth finding out if the furniture can handle more than one desktop computer system. Last but not least, unlike office furniture, it should not let the problem of desktop cluttering crop up at your facility for obvious reasons.

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