Perfect Ways In Which Fashion Site Publishers Are Gaining Traffic Through Instagram Account

Posted by Silvia W.
Apr 4, 2019

Instagram has evolved right from the photo-sharing app right into the marketing machine. With the introduction of the links in shop-able posts and stories, IG users are now widely used to consume news, reading through the blogs, and even visiting websites right from the app.

Not only you are going to see more publishers with engaged and large communities on IG, but you are likely to see that these publishers might come up with some of the interesting new strategies for turning the IG audiences into some of the real-life readers. If you are wondering about ways to drive fashion site-centric traffic through Instagram, then there are some points you need to consider. You will come to look at some of the publishers and their examples will help you get the right details. There is no need to buy real Instagram likes as these steps might help the fashion publishers to gain more traffic as asked for.

Planning to drive traffic through IG stories and regular posts just like Rolling Stone:

Rolling Stone Magazine is a name that everyone knows about, right from its inception in the late 1960s. Staying relevant has not been this big of a deal for sure. It is actually the testament to the promising content they are likely to produce but there happens to be some strategy behind the same. Rolling Stone has actually taken every possible IG tools at the disposal available just with the aim of driving traffic to the content, which will be including stories and even some of the regular IG posts.

·         Just go through the posts available on Instagram and take a quick look at how publishers have promoted their latest issues with style and sass.

·         Apart from sharing the much-needed carousel post of the present front cover, the team also took to the IG stories for cross promoting the magazine and ten driving even some more traffic through the IG platform.

·         By using the much awaited IG stories for promoting some of the regular posts, this company is known to promote content to a much wider audience who might otherwise not get to check the regular posts.

·         They are also likely to offer that better user experience designed for viewing the content as their followers can always click once for reading the article and without even leaving the IG app or just trying to find the right link in bio.

    Driving traffic through the IG is a lot harder than any of the other social networks like Twitter or Facebook but that is not likely to stop publisher’s right from trying to turn followers into the said readers. 

It is always noted to be a huge winning situation and a perfect strategy for any of the publisher or the regular business. It can help in looking to just drive traffic through the IG back to a website.

Get to capture the attention of audience with engaging quotes as seen in Inc. Magazine:

Using some of the attention-grabbing pull quotes for breaking up the blocks of copy is always noted to be a common practice among some of the publishers, but it can easily work on IG for sure. For example, you can check out with Inc. This is a weekly magazine talking about the fashion world and also often using quotes in captions to not just grab the attention of people but also for driving clicks back to link in the said bio.

·         It is always noted to be one perfect strategy for the said publishers now. There is a significant guide on how you can write some of the IG captions.

·         A good IG caption is one, which is likely to provide context, and get the chance to add personality and even inspire followers to take some noted actions. That’s exactly what the bigger fashion brands are known to work with now.

·         Right from some of the humorous reflections to some powerful statements, the captions are meant to draw the readers’ right in from the first word and then capture their interests.

·         After the readers are right in your full grip, they are going to include one shorter CTA to ask viewers to just read full story in the said bio. It can always go a long way in just helping the team to drive more traffic to their fashion-forward website.

Time to create amazing captions and CTA like the Fast Company:

Just like Inc. Magazine, you have the Fast Company, which will take great care with the IG captions and often using space to just offer some of the little snippets of the said content. As per the leading spokesperson of the company, people are not coming to IG in general for the links. They are actually trying to make this task a lot easier for the readers so that they can read more about the stories and get the chance to connect with them.

·         For making this process faster and easier, the team will be using the Feature. It will help them to just drive traffic to some of the multiple content pieces and can further direct the readers to both the old and new contents, without even changing the link right in bio.

· is always noted to be that easy way to just streamline the procedure for the team to just update the links. It means the company can always add links for the posts and it might help the readers to just find links to some of the older content.

Ways in which works:

Whenever the follower clicks on link in the bio of the fashion company, they will be taken directly to the mobile-based landing page, resembling the IG feeds. Right from that point, they have the right to just click on any of the images they want to find the content they are highly looking for. It will allow the IG posts to have its own unique URL. 

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