Pediatric Dentist Treats Babies with Tongue-Tie at Bear Brook Dental Care

Aug 19, 2020

If you’re like me, you’ve never heard of tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) -- but don’t assume it’s rare. During my research, I learned that up to 11% of babies are born with this congenital condition, meaning that it’s considered common. Babies with tongue-tie have restricted range of motion in the tongue, because ankyloglossia is a condition where the lingual frenulum ‘ties’ the tongue tip to the floor of the mouth.

The severity of ankyloglossia varies case-by-case, but it has been linked to colic, a lack of healthy weight gain, issues with the child's front teeth, speech impediments in older children, and even painful breastfeeding experiences for mothers.

More information on what tongue tie is and how it is treated can be found here.

With degrees and training from institutions like Yale and Columbia University, Dr. Tommy Lee, co-founder of Bear Brook Dental Care, is Montvale, New Jersey’s premier pediatric dentist -- which is why parents from all over New Jersey trust Dr. Lee to treat their tongue-tie baby.

If your baby is diagnosed with tongue-tie, Dr. Lee will recommend treatment. There are many tongue-tie treatments, ranging from exercises that improve tongue mobility to surgical treatment. The condition is easily treatable with a simple procedure called ‘lingual frenectomy,’ also sometimes referred to as a ‘frenotomy procedure’ or even ‘tongue tie surgery.’

Dr. Lee is one of the few pediatric dental specialists in the area that can surgically treat tongue-tie. The procedure is nearly painless and, in most cases, infants can successfully breastfeed immediately after the treatment.

If you or your child suffer from any of the symptoms of tongue-tie, Bear Brook is currently accepting new patients. They even offer free consultations for qualifying patients! If you’re curious whether your child may suffer from tongue-tie, or if you have any of the symptoms of ankyloglossia yourself, I would highly suggest scheduling a consultation with Dr. Tommy Lee.

You can schedule a consultation with Bear Brook Dental Care here.

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