Office Moving Tips and Tricks

Posted by Denny F.
May 14, 2020

Are you planning on relocating your office to a new location? Moving your business is a big disruption. You have to deal with the downtime of not being able to work on your business until everything is set up in the new location. But there are many things that you can do to make moving your office a whole lot easier.


1. Start Early with the Non-Essentials

 You want to start the move as early as possible so that it doesn't affect your business operations. Start with the non-essentials when you're beginning to pack furniture, equipment, and belongings. This can include things like file cabinets, extra chairs, and excess inventory.

Waiting until the last minute is going to cause a big headache. It will be hard to organize your boxes, deal with the everyday demands of the business, and get your employees to help you while they're working on their own projects. You want to keep the move simple and easy to execute.


2. Get Obsessive About Labeling

 Remember, this is an office move. You're going to need to access a lot of the items when you get to your location as soon as possible. That's why you don't want to make the mistake of broadly labelling your boxes. When you're looking for a specific item you don't want to have to rummage through everything to find it.

You want to be very specific with your labelling. For example, instead of writing down "client files," you want to write "client files 2017-2018." This allows you to find exactly what you need without wasting time.


3. Rally Your Team and Give Them Individual Tasks

 Even if you are hiring a moving company to take care of most of the work, you still want to get your team together to help with the move. You may assign one person to help sell off or donate old furniture that is no longer needed. Another person may be tasked to take care of changing your online profiles and mail forwarding to the new address.

Having your team help by giving each person a few simple tasks can make your move easier to manage. You also want to share with your team how the move is going to be executed so that they pack their own belongings in time and are ready when the moving truck comes in.


4. Pack Computers and Electronics Properly

Your computers will probably be one of the last things to get packed since you're likely going to be needing it right before the actual moving day. You need to ensure your computers and other electronics like monitors, printers, and TVs are properly protected.

First, they should not be stacked or packed with other items. The reason why is they may get damaged by the other items in the box. Second, they should tightly fit the boxes so they do not move around in transit. Remember, there are many small parts in electronics that can get damaged. You want to put in enough bubble wrap and other cushioning material to keep it stationary in the box.

Finally, protect your data. If possible, you want to remove the hard drives on your computer. You want to back up your important data and store hard drives in safe packaging. You can lose your data if enough force makes an impact on the hard drives inside your computer.


5. Consider Going with Office Movers

While there are many moving companies that you can choose from, it's best to go with professional office movers. There are several reasons to go with moving companies that know how to handle office moves. For starters, they are extra careful about handling your equipment and electronics. They know how vital these things are for your business to function. 

The office movers can also help you with the relocation services. They can quickly help you set up wires, electronics, and furniture so that your business can get back up running as soon as possible. By getting their help, you can significantly decrease the downtime you'd normally have to deal with while setting up.

 Moving is a lot of work but these simple office moving tips can help make the move as seamless possible and get your business running again quickly.

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