NGO’s and their battle against plastic bottles

Posted by Neha Sharma
Mar 13, 2019

There is no denying the fact that regular use of plastic bottles is wreaking havoc on the environment. A vast quantity of valuable and natural resources are utilized in the manufacture of these bottles. One of the biggest disadvantages of these plastic bottles is that they cannot be easily recycled and they are non-biodegradable in nature. If facts about plastic bottles are taken into the picture then one would be shocked to know that a single plastic bottle can take up to 1000 years to decompose. This is where the NGOs come into the picture. Nurtured by noble cause of creating a world devoid of plastics, the primary objective of these organizations is to encourage people to stop using plastic products in their day-to-day lives by spreading awareness against the harmful effects of plastics.   

Water is one of the major reasons why life exists on this planet. However, drinking water from a plastic bottle can take away one’s life. There are a plethora of negative effects related associated with drinking water from a plastic bottle. Be it our homes or workplace, plastic bottles are mostly used for storing drinking water. This fact alone demonstrates how much we are dependent on this deadly substance. And the only way to combat this problem is by cutting down our dependencies. This is only possible when people become aware of the harmful effects. And this is what the NGO’s aim to achieve.

A vast majority of the plastic bottles are made of a very harmful substance called Bisphenol A. Commonly known as BPA, Bisphenol A is a very harmful chemical used in the manufacture of plastic. This chemical is a big reason behind a host of health problems in the form of heart disease, neurological disorders, infertility, and different types of cancer. A person becomes prone to various health problems as mentioned above when they drink water from a plastic bottle. This happens because by drinking water from a plastic bottle, a person is exposed to BPA, which is used in the manufacture of plastic bottles.   

Phthalates are another harmful element found in plastic bottles. These substances also have some serious problems related to human health. Water, when stored in a plastic bottle for a long time, can leak toxic chemicals such as aluminum, arsenic, and fluoride which forms harmful compounds when reacting with water.

With a mission of combating plastic to affect our health, non-profit organizations aim to increase awareness about plastic bottle pollution. It is believed that people are still using plastic on a regular basis because they are unaware of the harmful implications attached to it. And the mission to create a plastic-free world will receive a huge boost when people stop using plastics. A big problem is that it is not just bottles that are made of plastics. In fact, every day we use various substances made of plastic. It is not easy to let go of everything at once. However, with proper awareness, people will gradually put a check on the use of plastic products, consumers will stop buying plastic products, and manufacturers will stop manufacturing plastic products. 
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