New technologies permeate every wheel of call centers
Virtual agents, voice recognition and synthesis, natural language, emotion detector, real-time scalable script, new technologies invade the plateaus. Objective: to increase the productivity and the quality of the customer relationship.
The company is Refocusing on its Core Businesses and Customers
The CallCriteria call center, in charge of relations between a brand and its market, is therefore at the heart of a strategic thinking: how to develop the notion of emotional attachment to the brand and improve the customer experience while reducing costs? The equation is all the more delicate as the payroll represents 75 to 80% of the costs of a call center.
To achieve this goal, companies with a dedicated service as well as outsourcers, outsourced service providers, can act on different sliders. Nicolas de Kouchkovski, president of the software company Genesys for United States (Alcatel-Lucent group) identifies five: "The channels of interaction with the consumer, the human resources of the company that can be mobilized to address customer needs, telecom infrastructures, service request processing processes and various systems for measuring customer service performance and experience. " In this regard, technology is seen more as a way to increase productivity and improve customer relationships that reduce costs.
Better flexibility
This is the case with IP telephony (see below), which is the origin of the virtual call center concept, among other things: tele careers are spread over several sites or work from home. The system allows you to play with time zones by providing 24-hour service from a single number. It also offers flexibility and better quality of services by routing communications according to the skills of each. Objective: to reduce treatment times again and again, to solve a problem from the first call, the so-called "first call resolution".
In addition, points out Fabrice Marque, expert in customer relations at Accenture, "we must also seek to automate incoming or outgoing flows, reduce the volume of communications, or guide them elsewhere in-house or abroad . " Hence the development of virtual agents, automata that initiate a call and inform the consumer. Coupled with the information system of the client company and its databases, they can announce a delay in the delivery of a product and propose a new date.
In the same way, they are able to warn the passengers of an airline of a possible delay: "To charge a team of tele-advisers to contact the 500 passengers of a flight can cost 3,500 euros, a vocal server will do the same thing at a cost that is almost negligible, '' summarizes Thierry Mormentyn, Managing Director of Teleperformance United States, world leader in call centers. It is true that the progress made in the field of speech recognition and synthesis brings a fluidity that was lacking to the first generations of interactive voice servers. For Anthony Dinis, president of Vocalcom, publisher of software solutions dedicated to call centers:"Natural language solutions have been effective for over a year. And they pass indifferently from the vocal to the written, for example the cat. "
New Modes of Interaction Appeared
Because, with the Web, new modes of interaction appeared. If the phone still represents more than 80% of the traffic, consumers want to be able to interact with their brand as they wish. In return, they expect from her a service more and more personalized. Email, SMS, instant messaging and virtual worlds like Second Life are part of the arsenal of call centers, which, multi channel requires, have become centers of contact. "With the emergence of communities on the Internet, companies are thinking about the development of customer relations in a Web 2.0 mode, where the consumer becomes a co-producer of the information submitted to him," says Antoine Dumas, Acemis managing director, consulting firm specialized in customer relations.
Tomorrow, other tools will allow for example to detect in real time the emotion of an agent in difficulty in the treatment of a problem with his client, or to modify, again in real time, the script of a call center according to the evolution of his conversation with the customer. "The technology makes it possible to automate actions of a repetitive nature and to focus our 12,500 call centers on higher value customer relationships," says Thomas Benita, director of operational marketing for Teleperformance United States.