Neem Packs for Skin and Hair Problems

Posted by Megha S.
Feb 13, 2017

Neem PackBeautiful skin and hair are the natural jewels of a person. It’s the scar-free tone and texture that hit off instantly. The magnetism of such impeccable beauty goes strong when the beauty is blended up with silky soft thick hair. 

But a bit of flaw can swirl the ocean of negative thoughts. The pan impression can be reverse. Would you like to set all eyes on you or get off the sights? Makeup can pop you ‘oomphy’ but only for a moment. Even, you yourself would feel sick & tired reflecting ‘artificial-beauty’. Moreover, you can’t stop pimples and acne that shoot when the chemicals in cosmetics conspire with the sweat.

What if it pops up all of sudden? Branded creams and face-packs will be all in your head to get out of pimples. But believe me, they would worse the flaws. Would you ever like to make tweak with the chemicals that have already pulled you to the skin problems? Surely, you will never like to play hard ball.       

Here is a natural remedy called neem that can cut the losses in your natural appearance. You need not sleep on its effect since it has been miraculous since ages.

Bye- Bye to Dandruff: Dandruff is the commonest hair problem. It’s no less than a phobia of losing hair due to flakes. Actually, it’s the consequence of unkempt hair. The sebum (secreted from the hair follicles or roots) gets layered. The accumulated debris merges with the sweat. As a result flakes form on the scalp. The flakes peel off on scratching and combing to which we call dandruff.

Take it easy as herbal remedy ‘neem’ will uproot it permanently. How, just check out:

·         Boil some neem leaves in the water. Strain it to rinse your hair with this water.

·         Grind and prepare thick paste of neem leaves. Apply it on the scalp before half an hour of taking bath. Then wash it off.

·         Are you suffering from ticks and lice? Massage with the lukewarm neem oil. Leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning. 

Acne: Acne can force you to keep behind veils. The red marks, swelling and pus spread it on the wider surface. You feel helpless in taming it but the inflammation and irritation do not stop you scratching it. Finally, it ends up in the deep and filthy scars. Rather doing any good, creams and serums make it worse.  

With the anti-bacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties of neem, kicking it out is no big deal for these skin care products. What you require to do is:

·         Grind neem leaves.

·         Mix it with the orange peels’ powder.

·         Add a pinch of roasted turmeric powder.

·         Mix all ingredients well.

·         Coat the infected area with this natural face pack to treat pimples & acne.

·         Let it dry.

·         Wash it off with the cold water.

·         Pat the surface dry immediately to remove the chances of breeding infection on the dewy surface.

·         Apply it thrice a week.

·         Avoid washing face frequently.

Shrink pores: Sweating raises the body temperature. As a result, the pores get enlarged. Such big size of pores makes them prone to invite germs. Infectious microbes get their new home, i.e. your skin. If you try to cover them with the fashion accessories for women, like foundation &compact, the grime gets trapped and hence, breakout appears to spoil your good looks.

Neem is the natural herb that mows down every chance of breakouts. Check out how:

  • Cleanse the skin with the neem oil.
  • Drip 1 or 2 drops of neem oil on the cotton.
  • Dab it rather than rubbing on the surface.
  • Or, you can prepare the paste of neem leaves, gram flour and roasted turmeric powder.
  • If your skin is dry, you can add 2-3 drops of mustard oil.
  • Apply it as a face mask.
  • Let it air-dry.
  • Wash it off with the cold water. 

Treat eczema: Excessive washing can weather the protective layer of the epidermis. The pores on this crust secrete oil that blanket the skin. Eczema is a skin disorder that appears as inflammatory surface. Its common symptoms are itchiness, redness and dry skin.

Neem can help you remove this curse. Follow what you should do in these steps:

·         Mix a drop of neem oil with the two drops each of lavender and coconut oil.

·         Massage with this concoction on the infected area.

·         Be gentle while massaging.

·         Stroke to penetrate this concoction till the deep pores.

·         Do it once in a week.

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