Mt. Orab, OH Dental Practice, Heck Family Dentistry, Offers Help For Dental Fear

Aug 11, 2021

Heck Family Dentistry, an authority in the family dentistry niche, has a new article entitled 'Are You Afraid to Go to the Dentist?,' which explains how to overcome the fear of visiting the dentist. Dental patients and anybody else who's interested can read the entire article at

One of the main reasons people do not visit their dentist on a regular basis isn’t lack of finances, lack of time, or lack of need. It is a fear of dentists. For some people, just the thought of opening their mouths in the bright light of a dental chair puts them on edge. Today there is no reason to fear. There are many ways to ease patient anxiety.

Dental practice philosophies are different now than when many of us grew up. Today, anesthetic is used routinely and there is no need to feel the pain of cleaning out a cavity. Anesthetic techniques have improved: we know much more about the nerve patterns of teeth and surrounding structures making it easier to numb a patient, and new anesthetics are available for the particularly “difficult to numb” patient. We also offer sedation dentistry for those who may need it. We use two types: Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) or pill. Pill sedation is the most common method.

There are things you can do to ease your fears during an appointment. Feel free to discuss your fears with your dentist or hygienist. Most will give fearful patients the extra attention they need. Have the dentist walk through the procedure with you so you know what to expect. If the noises bother you, bring a headset with soothing music.

A person should be totally comfortable discussing these issues with his or her dentist. Many patients have a fear, and most dental professionals understand this issue and are able to work with the patient. If you feel like your dentist isn’t sensitive to your feelings, discuss it openly with him or her. e of your mouth. Remember, it is less frightening to address a small issue than a larger one down the road!

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Once again, the complete article is available to in full at

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