Masterbatch Manufacturers in India facilitating the processing industries with their products?

Posted by Deepika Olive
Jul 19, 2018
Additive masterbatches are important in modifying the physical properties of plastic products as per their requirements.

Masterbatches are the preferred additives to impart colour or improvise other physical and chemical properties of plastics. When the additives are used to give colour to the plastics, the masterbatch is referred to as the colour masterbatch. On the other hand, the additives used to provide other physical properties to the plastic are referred to as the additive masterbatch. Masterbatches are usually a complex mixture comprised of encapsulated additives. These encapsulated additives undergo a heating process in the carrier resin. The heated additives are then subsequently cooled and modified into granular shapes.

With the rising demand for the use of Additive masterbatches, many masterbatch manufacturers have specialized in this domain. Today, in India itself, there are oodles of masterbatch manufacturers. One of the reasons for adding additives to the plastic product processing is to increase its degrading ability.

The rising importance of the Additive masterbatches in plastic processing industries

Adding additives to plastic products to increase its degradability is no longer a new concept. Currently, commercial additive products are composed of polymeric based masterbatches. These masterbatches are enriched with pro-oxidants and reaction rate modifiers. These polymer masterbatches find their application in the polymer feedstocks. Moreover, the additives are meant to improvise the performance of the plastic and plastic products. Additives are intended to limit the flammability so that it complies with the key regulations. The product weight and resin consumption are found to be significantly reduced by introducing additives in the plastic products. It further prevents the static electricity from building up in these plastic products. Also, they play a prominent role in enhancing the efficacy of plastic surfaces for printing purposes. Additives such as anti-blocks are used to prevent blocking of the plastic films. Some of the additives do help in eliminating the water droplets from the inner surface of the deep-freeze food packaging products.

Introducing the best additive masterbatch manufacturer in India

Alok Master Batch is currently reckoned for their excellent quality color and Additive masterbatches. Every masterbatch produced at Alok undergoes a thorough quality check which infers about the product quality and efficacy before its market launch. Their highly durable nature characterizes the masterbatches manufactured at Alok.

The Additive masterbatches manufactured at Alok possesses the properties of slip, UV protection, anti-block, antioxidant, and anti-fog. Majority of their products finds fate in the thermoplastic industries.

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