Maha Shivratri 2018 Celebrated on February 13

Posted by sunil gavaskar
Jan 23, 2018

Maha Shivratri,The Great Night of Shiva, is on February 24, 2017 Friday. In the views of spiritualists and meditators (yogis), this is the most auspicious night for anyone seeking stability in their nature, humility in their behaviour, complete detachment from the disturbing elements of the world or prosperity in their professional undertakings.  It is that time of the year where holy places of India brim with rituals such as Shiv puja, Abhishek Vidhi and Shiv Abhisheka. The central point of performing these rituals is the attainment of Shiva’s blessings.


Lord Shiva: Dearest to the saintly and the humble

Sastras, the Vedic scriptures, regard Lord Shiva as Aashutosh, the One who is easily pleased by the devotees. A question may arise that if He is ‘Aashutosh’ then why doesn’t He fulfil desires of people in moments? Why not all of us have our wishes fulfilled? The answer lies in the Vedas that state He is easily pleased with ‘devotees’ who undergo sever penances or austerities in order to please Him. There is a difference between a person full of materialistic tendencies and a devotee who is calm and composed not hankering after material possessions. If you are humble and saintly, you will find Lord Shiva very attractive for He Himself is humble and divine. Peace is found where divinity dwells.

To be saintly does not mean giving up family or community affairs and becoming a sadhak or a Sage. A person of saintly or humble nature is far better than the one who gives up their social position whimsically (out of frustration) in order to search Shiva. Lord Shiva is Himself an ideal husband and father but from within He is the unsurpassable Yogi. Externally one may engage in their occupational duties but internally one should always be in touch with the All-auspicious Shiva.


Bestower of everything:

Lord Shiva is the Bestower of everything that can possibly be wished or sought. This is the unique quality of His. It is given in the Bhagvat Purana (4:6:34) that Shiva resides in the Kailasha Hill which is glorified by all the Vedas as the most sanctified dhama (abode) in the spiritual world. Atop the Hill He is found in meditation under a baniyan tree which is also described as the banyan tree is eight hundred miles high, and its branches spread over six hundred miles around. The tree cast a fine shade which permanently cooled the temperature, yet there was no noise of birds.

He sits there surrounded by the Four Kumaras, the divine celibates who represent the absolute spiritual purity and Lord Kuvera, the treasurer of demigods who represent the opulence of the highest order. These personalities always stay by the side of Shiva who controls both, divinity and material opulence. It indicates the Shiva can liberate a seeker from the clutches of Maya and can bestow upon the desirous of material opulence a treasure of wealth. This is Lord Shiva’s unique position.

Therefore whatever one’s wish is, one must by all means worship Lord Shiva for He is the Controller of everything that exits. A Yogi can achieve meditational perfection, a seeker can read scriptures of Shiva and attain self-realization and the one seeking success their professional undertakings can be blessed by Shiva.



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