Lung Cancer: Types, Treatment and Various Options

Posted by Jhon Thaicop
Aug 7, 2019

Summary: The present article is all about the lung cancer. It talks about the different types, how does it grows and the various treatment options.

Lung cancer is one of the deadliest diseases. Those who smoke heavily for years and over the age of 55 should go in for lung cancer screening to ensure that their lungs are healthy. Discussed here are the types of lung cancer, how does staging take place and the types of treatment.

Types of Lung Cancer:

Primarily, there are two types of lung cancers: 1) Small cell lung cancer 2) non-small cell lung-cancer. They are categorized according to how they look like under the microscope. Non-small cell lung cancer is much more prevalent.

How does the staging take place?

Once the lung-cancer is diagnosed and other tests have been carried out to find how far it has been spread through the lymph nodes, lungs and the rest parts of your body, the process is known as staging. Type and stages of the lung cancer determines what type of treatment you would need. So, if you are going in for Fort Myers Lung Cancer Treatment or lung cancer treatment anywhere else, your doctor would decide what type of treatment you would need.

Types of Treatment:

Lung cancer can be treated in different ways depending on the type and how far the disease has spread. People who have non-small cell lung-cancer can be treated with techniques like chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy or the combination of all these. People that have small cell lung-cancer are treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy normally.

Surgery: It is an operation where surgeons cut out the cancer tissue cells.

Chemotherapy: It is the procedure where in special medicines are used for shrinking or killing the cancer cells. The drugs can be oral medicines or the ones given through the veins or sometimes the combination of these two.

Radiation therapy: In this medical procedure high-energy rays similar to the X-rays can be used for killing the cancer cells.

Targeted Therapy: In this procedure drugs are used for blocking the growth and spread of the cancer cells. In this procedure too, drugs are given in your veins or taken in the form of pills.

Doctors from the different streams and specialists work in tandem for treating the lung cancer. Pulmonologists are the experts treating lung cancer. Surgeons perform the operations and thoracic surgeons are specialized in treating chest, lung and heart diseases. Medical oncologists are the doctors that treat cancers with medicines.

If you are suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD and have difficulty in coughing, producing mucus constantly and wheezing you need to see a lung specialist as this chronic lung inflammation results in obstructed airflow to lungs and can become bronchitis. If you are showing symptoms of lung cancer, it is good to choose a certified and reputed Southwest Florida Cancer Clinic dealing with Lungs.

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