Limitations of FUE Hair Transplantation

Posted by Ankur S.
Jun 26, 2018

The FUE hair transplant is an acronym of the follicular unit extraction that involves the random punching process to extract the grafts/follicular unit that is transplanted into the receiving balding areas. The FUE is also known as the blind technique because of the entanglement of the speculation or forecasting sense in order to find out the angle & direction of extracted roots. The FUE hair transplant is just an alternate for the restoration procedure that is only suitable for covering the lesser grade of baldness or when a patient doesn’t possess a healthy donor supply to meet the aesthetic goal of the hair transplant surgery.

The hair transplant in Rajasthan offers you the best facilities and services regarding the specific cosmetic surgery that requires artistic skills more than that of the surgical precision.

Why is FUE not recommended for a Bigger Grade of Baldness?

·         The Dynamic Punches Reduces the Graft Number: The FUE hair transplant technique is only suitable when a patient has a lesser grade of baldness, such as NW-I or II as the technique of extraction cannot confirm you about the desired number of grafts. The dynamic or random punching process is compelled to target the next extraction point with a certain gap that automatically minimizes the donor zone and the possibility of graft extraction just limited to the number ranges between 2000-2500 in a single session. However, FUE technique is recommended when a patient is affected by a bigger grade of baldness.

·         Higher Risk of Graft transection/damage: There is a higher risk of graft damages in the FUE technique as the random punching process is made regardless of the exact angle & direction. The blind technique of FUE follows the speculation and forecasting ability to decide the punching point causes a severe transection as the graft may be cut from the shaft areas or there may be a damage caused by the various numbers of follicular units as well.

·         The FUE doesn’t assure us about the Permanent Hair roots: The multiple punching processes automatically bound the safe zone of the scalp as each punching requires an aesthetic distance to extract the next graft/follicular unit. In this way, the safe donor area diminishes and a Surgeon is compelled to extract the graft from the unsafe zone as well. The hair root extraction from the unsafe zone area sensitive to the effect of DHT and fall out over the time. So, it is always mandatory to extract the graft from the safe area, i.e., the back & sides of the scalp in order to get the best cosmetic benefit of the restoration procedure.

·         It is recommended when a patient is underage: The FUE hair transplant is recommended when a patient is underage, but have an extreme need for hair transplantation due to the patient’s professional and personal desire. The FUT technique is not allowed when a patient is less than 25 years as it is not a feasible age to receive the best cosmetic effect of the procedure. The instability of donor area persisted until the patient doesn’t cross the maturity stage. However, the procedure is recommended when a patient crosses the age of 25.

So, it is always helpful to go through a pre-procedure consultation with your Doctor if facing the hair loss problem, especially the pattern/genetic baldness. 

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