Jobs Prone to Back Pain That You Didn’t Know
When we think of back pain, we
immediately think of construction workers, firefighters, or athletes like
basketball and baseball players. It’s no wonder we do, because what they do for
a living does hurt their back as carrying heavy heights, and moving the entire
body is part of the job description. But they’re not the only ones who feel
back pain. Here’s a list of people who you didn’t suspect suffered from the
same thing.
Yes, they exist. For some people,
role-playing games are a sport. There are world tournaments that bring together
the best gamers from all corners of the world to compete for money, and of
course bragging rights. They endure long hours of sitting and clicking, which
is an extreme version of our own social media scrolling in a laptop or phone. Only,
they have a goal: to defeat the enemy despite the fatigue and restlessness. This
sedentary lifestyle usually leads to poor posture, which in turn causes back
pain by putting prolonged pressure on the spine.
They don’t exactly lift bricks or
shoot balls, but people are heavy too. Sometimes, lifting patients is part of
the job, especially for ones who are disabled and need assistance in going to
the bathroom, and even doing their business in there. Changing patients into
appropriate positions in lab testing also puts them in awkward stances in some
occasions, which strains their muscles and hurt their lower back. What more is
that this is part of their daily routine.
Doctors, especially surgeons,
emergency doctors, and army doctors, also suffer from back pain. They don’t
just sit in an executive office chair waiting for patients. Doctors in the
operating room experience pain because of standing for long hours in surgery. Emergency
and army doctors strain their muscles trying to save people’s lives. For the
former, it’s because of the sudden movements necessary to save incoming
patients who just went through an accident. For the latter, it’s trying to save
a comrade in a war zone.
Yep, these inspired (and sometimes
depressed) day dreamers hurt their back too, primarily because of poor posture
in trying to create a masterpiece. Sketching in a table exposes the artist to a
prolonged dropped gaze while focusing on the work, sometimes with a hunched
back over the table. It’s not exactly easy to finish an artwork. This strains
their neck and back in the process. Sculptors also suffer from awkward
positions or standing for long hours, sometimes hunched over in trying to mold
difficult corners to beautiful shapes. All of that pain to transform their
emotions into something that people can marvel at.
Office Employees
That’s right. Those accountants, digital marketers and web developers sitting in comfortable office chairs are actually common recipients of back pain. While they barely move at work, their only exercise being lunch hour and bathroom breaks, their sedentary lifestyle breaks their back especially when they don’t have ergonomic chairs for posture support. Dropping by the pharmacy after work to buy pain relievers is a common habit.